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Monday, May 4, 2015

Trincheras Week 17

Hey family!

Such an awesome week!! Started out with a rain day which means crazy humidity...but at least I wasn't get burnt for a change. Today was beach day for the zone! It's the day I wait for every change. We got to play soccer and eat awesome food. At one point no one was doing anything and just sitting around talking and I totally fell asleep. Super chill. This zone is really fun and we have a strong gringo force to keep it lively. 

With Elder Coe from New Zealand

Our District

With Elder Olivas

This week has just been PACKED. I feel like we have been running around like crazy to get things done. But the Lord really blessed us with our appts. and our investigators. Our investigator and Prudencio is progressing amazingly! He and Helder have the date for baptism this Saturday! Hope all goes as planned. Prudencio has been an investigatos of gold. From the very beginning he has accepted everything. He's an 18 year old kid that really has his mind set on the things of the Lord. He lives rightttt in front of the church and he  goes to the activities and seminary everyday! He has a huge desire to serve the Lord and actually reads the Book of Mormon! So exciting!

This change just flew by in two seconds! My time with Matamoros is almost at an end and it's sad! He's been a great companion. And out of all my areas this one is just really special. There are a couple of members here that are like my family! It's going to be so weird not to see them all the time! I think I'm going to ask president for an extra change here. :) 

We had amazing baptisms this week! Evelin and Jenefer! 2 Sisters of a part member family. Wow this family is awesome! We found them when we were buying baleadas....shocker haha. The 2 daughters instantly found friends in the church and go to seminary everyday! We passed by them the other day and the older one, Jenefer, was talking to a woman and she didn't know we were walking by. She says "hey you need to come to church with us" and the lady laughs and says why? and Jenefer says because its the true church! And the lady asks "how do you know?" Jenefer says "Hey listen, I'm just going to send the Elders to your house okay?" Then she turns around to see us and says "Wow! Perfect! Here they are hahahaha!! Future missionary! Their parents are going to get married this next month so its sad I'm not going to be here to see it!

Well that's it for this week! Love you guys! Have a good one!
-Elder Sessions

Doing service????

Elder Olivas with a pig!

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