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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Trincheras Week 12

A really cool road!

Hey fam!

Some how is it already Monday....This week was good! The only problem is that it's the start of Semana Santa! That means everyoneee and their dog has vacations and leaves to be with family. EVERYONE. It was so weird, we were walking around and all these people have their suitcases and bags and were running around trying to get to the buses to get out of here haha. I don't blame them because it has been like 100 degrees everyday and they are all heading to the beach. It's been rough to get ahold of people but hopefully it gets better. 

Well the time has come...The epic companionship of Elder Ambler and I is at an end. 3 months of teaching with one of my best friends! This Wednesday is changes so we will see who my next comp is and where they send Ambler! Time went by way too fast but I'm so thankful for the time I had to learn from him and I feel like we have both learned so much! Since its our last week together we devoted our time in companionship study to study this talk that Tonya Meldrum gave me called " the 4th missionary." I have read before but its been super nice to really study it and make goals. I love how this talk really gets you to think and gives you the motivation to be a better missionary. It focuses alot on following the will of the Lord and not doing what you want to do. How can I change or be a better person when I come home from the mission if everyday I do what "I" want to do? It's not going to work! Sacrificing everything for the work brings true happiness and true change. Hopefully I  can continue to study and learn more and I can be the missionary that the Lord wants me to be!

We got so lucky this week. The family was going to throw away the couches that they weren't using so we asked if we could put them in our house! It's soooo nice. Our chairs are falling apart and it's so nice to study at the table with the couch. We got 2 so now the house is getting all pimped out... it's looking nice haha.

Cool experience! We met this younger guy this week and he seemed really interested in the lesson and had some really good questions. We taught about the Book of Mormon and like everyone else, he told us he would read it. Well when we came back he had already read like 7 chapters! Me and my comp were so surprised because that was the first time in this area that someone had actually read! He had the greatest questions we were really able to have an awesome lesson and he seemed have all his questions answered! All from just opening our mouth a little bit when we were walking around! Blessing from the Lord!

Honestly I forgot everything this week...haha I will start to bring my journal! Thanks for all the Bday wishes! Have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

Happy Father's Day!...they spelled it wrong!

The Ramos Family

We had a lesson/activity and the baby was my partner!

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