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Monday, March 9, 2015

Trincheras Week 9


Sweet week here in Honduras! So many blessings-- it has been great to see the hand of the Lord in the mission. Our area just got alot more sketchy because the Mara18 gang just came in. Just around our house in the last week 5 people have been shot! One night we were coming home at 9 and a couple streets behind us we heard like 5 gun shots and in the morning we found out that 3 people had died! There are alot more military dudes walking around so maybe it will get better! The Lord protects us so we don't worry but we just feel really bad for the people here.

Elder Ambler and I have been wanting to be more organized with our investigators and members so we made this sweet white board! It's cardboard and white paper with tape over it to use markers! It's been nice to just look over at it during planning. It helps us to remember all the people we are teaching and all the people we have found. We just started it so we still have more to do but I'm excited to get organized and help our investigators! 

It's so funny here, the members call us alll the time and are like "hey Elders I need you guys to come chop our grass or paint the house or help move this stuff". Always haha and I love it! We love to do service for these families--its gives us a chance to get to know them better and maybe they will help us with our investigators. 3 or 4 times a week we help people chop the grass around their house. The other day we were able to help Teresa, our cook, with her house! Man it took all morning! The houses don't have pipes or tubes or anything so they just have like little rivers and the sides and in front of the houses. We had to shovel all the old stuff out so the water could run better. Teresa does so much for us so it was great to help her! And it was fun!

This is where you find us AFTER service!

One challenge we had this week was everyyyy single day from 2-5 every appt. would fall through. And this part of the day is really tough because everyone is either working or sleeping haha. And it's like 1000 degrees so that doesn't help either. It's been super rough but we have been learning to trust in the Lord. So we just start listen to the spirit to contact or visit other people. We have been able to find some great people and use our time wisely. But it would also be nice if the appts didn't fall through.

So we recieved a new "mission plan for the families" from the area 70 and it has been awesome! It's 6 steps the the families are going to do to have missionary experiences and for us to receive references! This week we have started sharing it with all the members and they seem very motivated to help and they have already started with their list of names and we have meet some great people! I hope you all pray to have missionary experiences, the Lords works is growing like crazy!

Well if all goes well this week, Saturday Victor and Davison are getting baptized! They are awesome and I'm so excited to see their progression! Elder Anderson is coming saturday so thats going to be great too! I hope you all have a great week! 
-Elder Sessions

Eating Baleadas with the Dinoras Family!

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