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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Trincheras Week 8

Hey everybody!

Hows everyone doing? Awesome week here with Ambler. Lot of stuff this week! At least I think so...if I can remember everything haha. Well tomorrow on the 3rd will be my one year mark till I'm back in the states! So weird to think about. Its been such a fun year and I've learned so much! This week went better with our investigators, we were able to find some new ones and we had some good lessons with the ones that are progressing! Blessings on blessings.

I guess I'll start with a funny story. Well maybe its not funny to you guys but to me it is. So we had a sweet lesson and Bday lunch at josue's house for one of our investigators named Davison. Josue has a huge pitbull and he said it was super calm so I was playing with him and petting him. For some reason my comp, Ambler, put on a huge sombrero from the house and walked over and put his hand out to pet the dog. This massive dog started to growl ( you guys know all my stories with dogs so you know I have a lot of practice) and I back right up. But Ambler being the gringo he is, put his hand closer to the dog! This pitbull took one big bite on his hand and Ambler ran so fast and screamed so loud we were all dying laughing! He had sooo much blood poor guy. But he was happy he had his first dog story.

This week we had the awesome opportunity to have Elder Ochoa from the 70 come and talk to us! He came along time ago when I was in my first area and all I remember was that he chewed out the whole mission. This time was completely different. He was so happy with the change in the mission and he talked about a alot of things that impacted me. Sometimes in the mission I might have a bad mindset and I will think that these people aren't going to progress in the gospel or... oh this person never went to school and doesn't work how can they possibly understand this message. Its so horrible and it just shows how hard Satan is working. Well Elder Ochoa give a huge talk about having faith. Faith in your investigators. Faith in your leaders. And faith in the spirit during the lessons. I learned alot and I have a different way of thinking now. I hope that I can continue trusting in the Lord and just do His will. Great conference!

Well this last Saturday we got to baptize Brian! He is 11 years old and is the son of a less active family. It was so cool, one day we were out contacting and we came across this family and they said they were members. The day before they were talking about going back to church where they have been inactive for 5 years. Right now they are preparing to go the temple and the daughter Kaylin has started her mission papers! Such exciting stuff and its been a huge blessing to see how happy this family is and how much the things have changed! Best part of the mission!

Pictures are better than words so sorry I don't have more stories! love you guys!
-Elder Sessions     P.S. B-day 21 first of march if you want to send that letter ;)

Ambler made me french toast! good guy

Bday dinner for Davison! chilli cheese dogzzz

Madisson is a slave driver and made me cut the plants outside

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