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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Trincheras Week 10

Hey family!

Such an awesome week! I'll start with today. We went to the beach again! But this time we went to this old castle and museum thing. It was so cool and massive. We were so lucky to have some clouds so I didn't get sunburned haha. I'm so white its bad for my health. We played some football and had a huge lunch! It was really fun but now I'm super tired...My zone is really fun so it was cool to be with them all day. 

Well this last Saturday Elder Anderson from the 12 came to the mission! We had our mission and the the other mission right next to us come. 500 missionaries! So many people I didn't know... it felt like the first day of high school haha. I loved when we all sang and it was really loud and strong and we could feel the Spirit so much. Along with Elder Anderson was Elder Ochoa, Elder Maynes and Elder Davison all from the 70! You could just feel the authority in the room. Elder Anderson looks so different now I hardly recognized him, but he taught about the atonement of Christ and it was on point! He taught so clear and he would just walk all around us during the whole conference and it was cool to shake his hand and look him in the eyes. He challenged us to learn for memory 10 scriptures about the atonement. I'm excited to start and receive the blessings that come from following the Lords servants!

So like I said in my last letter we have been teaching the families in our ward that missionary plan for the individual families. Well we taught this one family and they have a kid who is 10 years old named Kenith. The next day he called us saying he was so excited to show us his friends so we put on appt. the next day to visit with him. 4 Days in a row for 2 hours each day he left to go teach with us and show us his friends and family! This 10 year old kid was so motivated to help us he was a champ! We found some really great people and also inactive members that he knew! I love missionary work!

With Kenith our super member missionary!

Every Friday we have an activity for our investigators and members where we have a lesson or something spiritual and then after we have an activity and we get to know everyone better. This time it was a little different. At church I told anyone that for every investigator you bring to church you get to throw a water balloon at one of the missionaries. Lets just say I went home wet that night. It was a success! Alot of people came and we met so many new people. Excited for the next activities to come!

Still working with those progressing investigators, Satan is working double time I feel like and there is always something that happens to make this people doubt their faith. We are going to keep working and pushing and we know the Lord will bless us and our investigators. I have high hopes for this week! 2nd to last week with Ambler makes sad :( Gotta make the most of it!
Love you guys!
-Elder Sessions

They call me Thor...

Fixing a neighbors fence


With Elders Olivas and Rodriguez

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