Blog Archive

Monday, February 23, 2015

Trincheras Week 7

Hey family! 

Sooooo this week was a great one! I hope you guys had a good week! This week started a little different. Ambler and I don't have changes so it was a nice relief! But one of the other elders did and the new elder that came is the one and only Elder Olivas haha. He was one of my comps in the Smith! From Guatemala. Its been superrr weird living with him again but its been nice to catch up. Hopefully we can all work hard together and really see some growth here in the Trincheras! Elder Ambler has been great and its so awesome to walk around with him all day. He laughs at my jokes so we get along just fine :)

I don't know what it was but at the beginning of this week we ran into a couple challenges with some of our progressing investigators. Saddest part of the mission. When someone has prayed and really received an answer that this is the true church and then decide not to do anything about it or progress. Satan is working so hard with these people that when one little thing happens or when someone says one bad thing about the church they lose all interest and forget everything they felt and learned. It kills me. The family Zambrano went to take out money to prepare to get married and someone robbed everything on the way back to the house so now the wife thinks it means they shouldn't get married. Challenges on challenges but one thing we have been learning is that the timing of the Lord is the biggest thing. All we can do is teach, serve and testify. Sometimes its hard to see all the blessings we have been receiving when the challenges come into our lives. I'm excited to keep pushing on and to see where the Lord guides us.

There is this return missionary named Josue who has helped us alot with his friends and family that are not members. Two of his friends are brothers named Victor and Davison. They are the bestttttt. Their testimony has grown like crazy these last couple of weeks. They have both ended their relationships with girlfriends and Victor has stopped smoking a pack cigarettes a day to not smoking at all!! They come to church every sunday and they have been progressing so much. The way they talk and act has even changed and it's just a huge testimony that this gospel changes lives. I love the mission!

Really this week was so fast. When we come home at 9 and when I fall asleep it feels like 3 seconds later and its 10 in the morning and we are out walking again. My feet hurt and I'm always hungry. And all that means to me is that we are doing good. Elder Ambler has been helping alot and we feel really good about our work. My feet don't but its okay haha. Honestly we don't have many stories this week. Just alot of talking to new people and working with members. I love the members in this area!

Excited for these next weeks because we have members of the 70 coming and also Elder Anderson of the 12! Superrrrr pumped. Hopefully next week I will have more to write you guys.
Love you all!
-Elder Sessions

Dang ambler fell asleep during lunch again... turn my head for one second hahaha love this kid.

Trying to walk in the street but couldn't because Betsy was in the way

The family of lambs that chase us around!
Taking moto taxi (death machine) because it was super late to get home :/

Teaching the primary kids to play real football! They didn't get it but hey it was fun haha!

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