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Monday, March 23, 2015

Trincheras Week 11

Hey fam! 

What a week.... I feel like everyone was out on vacations this week celebrating my birthday without me....Well this week I hit one year of being a missionary!!! YEAAAHHH. So I got to burn my shirt! It was a great feeling. But also kind of sad because it was a nice shirt. But everything requires sacrifice right? Overall it was an awesome week and we were able to find some cool families!

So this week like always we were helping this family chop the grass behind their house. It was so funny because we were visiting them and when we asked if there was something we could do to help them she told me that their son left so they have no one to chop the back yard and when we came back the next day and I saw the grass was as tall as me I said to her "How long has your son been gone?" and she said "oh like over a year"......ahhh but thats not the best part. I was in the corner of the yard going ham on this huge part of grass and hit some nest of these black wasps! Right when I touched it, one flew straight out and stung me on my eyelid. Allllll that day and the next my eye was all swollen and everyone laughed at me...haha I looked really weird. But now I'm all good no worries.

One of the easiest but hardest think for every investigator is to pray about the truth of the church. Im pretty sure its the number 1 thing I stress in every lesson. Everyyyy single time they pray, God gives them an answer. It's their decision what they are are going to do with that answer but at least they did the first part. And the culture here if you ask someone if they prayed they are always like oh yes I pray every day and every night. But when you ask if they prayed about the message you shared with them they always say no. It's so frustrating sometimes but I keep my cool don't worry. This week one of our investigators actually prayed and received an answer. He said that he felt like Joseph Smith when Moroni visited him in his room. Our investigator has such a strong testimony of the church and he wants nothing more than to be baptized. Butttt his "wife" wont marry him so he's stuck till she changes her's so sad. I know one day the Lord will help her understand.

My birthday was like a regular day with teaching and walking and sweating but at night time a couple families invited me over for cake and dinner! Soooo much food and cake... we were singing and they shoved my face into a chocolate cake....They're lucky I like chocolate haha. But I am really lucky to be in this area with so many nice families. I have made many friends that I will remember for ever! Then at church I walked out to the Rodriguez family from my last area in the Smith! They remembered my birthday and came to our ward with cake! It was so cool to see them again...they are such an awesome family! Ambler's birthday is next week so more cake yess haha. I have 3 cakes in the fridge right now idk what to do with them... well I hope you guys are all doing good and that you have a good week! 

-Elder Sessions

Ambler made me breakfast!

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