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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Trincheras Week 6


Hope everyone enjoyed their valentines day! Elder Ambler bought me a bag a chips on valentines day it was so nice of him. Another great week here in Trincheras! The week started out really good with finishing the Book of Mormon in Spanish! Took me about 8 months but I did it! Took some time to read Jesus the Christ too which I liked a lot. This was my favorite time reading the B.O.M. Even though it was in Spanish I was able to understand it more clearly and I learned so much! I know that the B.O.M. is the word of God and we are so blessed to have this sacred scripture. I encourage all of you to read the B.O.M. but you guys don't have to read it in spanish don't worry :)

So right now in Honduras there is this crazy epidemic thing going on called Chichingunua. Something like that haha! Well everyoneeeee and their dog is getting sick. Every single house we go into someone has this sickness. It hurts in your bones and people have problems walking and moving their arms. This last week we passed by our investigator Mary to see how she was doing and as luck would have it she was very sick with this sickness. She had already taken off work that day and if she missed tomorrow they were going to fire her. And the worst part is that she stands all day at her work. We were able to give her a priesthood blessing and right after, she stood up and walked without any pain. It was such an amazing experience that I will never forget! I love priesthood blessings!

We having been teaching this family for a couple weeks named Zambrano. There are 10 people in the family and they are best! The father has a huge testimony about the church already and we had the whole family come to church! It was amazing to see them all together happy in the church. Now they are working and getting the papers to get married! exciting stuff! This last week they invited us to lunch. They cooked "soup of the sea". For those of you that don't know....I'm not very good when it comes to eating sea food. I usually will dry heave about 5 times just to get down one peace of fish. But in the mission I am getting better haha. Well this family gave me a HUGE bowl of sea soup and I was sweating like crazy I was so nervous. I said a quick prayer and man was I blessed. I ended up liking the food and I didn't dry heave once! It might not seem like a big blessing to you guys but you can ask my sister Aubrey and she will testify of my fear of sea food haha. Power of prayer!

more fish.... :\

The soup of the sea after with the tail! 

One day we were contacting at the far end of our area we came across this small town at the toppp of the mountain. These people have never seen gringos or missionaries before and they all came out of their houses and stared at us. But it was so cool because we found alot of awesome people. Actually some family members of active members from the church! We are excited to start working with them it should be really fun. 

Cool night pic from the top of a hill

Hope you guys have a great week! Love you all!

-Elder Sessions

blister with in a blister  -inception

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