Blog Archive

Monday, February 9, 2015

Trincheras Week 5

Whats up family!?

Glad to hear everyone had a great week! Elder Ambler and I had a super long week but awesome week. First it stopped raining so the streets and starting to clear up which is nice. But now we have the sun...I don't know which one is worse haha. But I was able to get some new shoes today so lets hope they last! Poor Ambler has been pretty sick with his stomach so we had to take it a little slow but he was a champ and we were still able to have some great experiences. Had stake conference and it was so cool to see a lot of our investigators come and see more of how the church really is.


So our friend Madisson that always helps us just got her mission call! She's going to Guatemala! She is going to be great! On her only day off work she goes and teaches with us alll day. She shows us where members live and alot of people we can teach. Super good example of a member missionary. And she makes us baleadas so thats pretty cool too haha.

We had the opportunity to help this family with their new house they are building! Mostly we helped paint the roof and chop the grass and dig holes for the pipes. Well this hive of wasps started attacking us so we had to destroy their home that they had made inside the house. As luck would have it, the two tall gringos had to knock it down. But it was like stuck really hard on the roof! My poor comp didn't get the "run fast" memo and got stung a couple times. They got it on video it was hilarious. I've never hear a white man scream so loud before.

Finally remembered to take pics of the house! Remember how we had to move everything down to the bottom house because there was a bunch of water? So now we don't have much light because we have a wall all around the house. Our bedroom is in the back corner of the house and the windows just have a wall on the other side and ZERO light gets in. Its kinda nice, We can sleep better but its sketchy because you cant see anything. We call it the bat cave. I don't know. It was Amblers idea haha the house is great but still we just don't have water in the house so it's just annoying.

The baptism went perfect this last week! Dinora has such a strong spirit. The water was freezing because it had just rained and she was like," Elder this is crazy" I laughed so hard it was a great time. Now we are working with her son so pray for us that all goes well and that we can help her family be together for ever! I love you all have a good week and send me candy! 

-Elder Sessions

Always good food for lunch

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