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Monday, February 2, 2015

Trincheras Week 4


Hows everyone doing?? Elder Ambler and I had a superrrrr good week! Started with a priestood blessing I recieved so my health could get better. Woke up the next day feeling much better! Still have some stomache problems but its been alot nicer. We just got back from a awesome zone activity! We went to the beach! Its about an hour away. We were able to go to some zoo and see some animals. It was a sad excuse for a zoo but hey at least they had a tiger. The beach was amazing tho, there was a nice breeze and we got to eat and relax for a second. Best P-day so far. It makes me miss the beaches in Mexico!

We were able to paint the house of our cook, Hermana Teresa! It took so long but it was a fun time. She always likes to mess with the missionaries she thinks she is so funny :) The neighbor also came to help! Her name is Madison and she is the besttttt. She is always helping the missionaries with food or investigators! Love this area! Except for one reason....the mud...So much mud. It rained 3 times this week and the roads are all just dirt and mud. My shoes dont have a sole on the bottom so water and mud just come right on in haha I need to find time to fix my shoes. And with all the mud our pants get soo dirty and I always feel so bad walking in peoples houses. But for the most part they understand. Good thing its all just tile floors!

Its been crazy to see all the little blessing that the Lord has been giving us these last couple of weeks. We had an appointment with this young guy and we were going to meet in the corner street. Well we waited and waited and finally decided to go contact because he didn't show up. We were in an area that was soooo big and had a ton of houses that were like a maze. I have no idea how this happened but we ran right into the man we were suppose to have the appt with! He had tried to leave but had to watch his younger sibling in the house. We were able to have a great lesson with him and was so cool to be guided by the spirit in that moment. And I'm serious these hills just have random roads all over! Great experience.

Elder Ambler and I are very excited for this weekend! We get our first baptism together! Her name is Dinora Martinez and she is just the best. We met her like my 3rd day here in this area. Her family are members and she has been wanting to get baptized for a long time but wasn't able to. We were able to teach about temples and the work we do for the people weren't able to receive the gospel when they were here on the earth. When I brought up the baptisms for the dead she began to cry and told us her daughter died at the age of 19 and never was baptized. She expressed how happy she was that she can go to the temple and do the work for her. One of the greatest lessons I´ve had in the mission. The spirit was so strong and I didn't even want to talk. So awesome! And sundae we were blessed with 10 investigators in church! Cool to see the progress of the hard work. Our investigators are doing great! We are teaching a family of 12 people its been so crazy! Love this work!

Hope you guys all have a good week!
-Elder Sessions

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