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Monday, January 26, 2015

Trincheras Week 3

Hey family!

Super great week! Full of ups and downs but still good. So we are still out of water so that's been a struggle. But at least we don't have to carry the water up the stairs anymore and we can just take it right in! I have been feeling a little better but I feel like my body is just shutting down! But the Lord has been giving me the strength to keep trucking everyday till I get home to fall in my bed. One thing that has helped out alot is that now a Sister in our ward feeds us lunch! She just offered one day so now we get a reallyyyyy great meal to give us more energy. Bye bye chicken noodle soup. 

Our new lunch! Sooooo good. 

The sister and I were talking and then we look over at ambler and he fell asleep!
 Poor kid's wiped out all the time!

Well we just got back from an area in our mission that has monkeys! It was so sweet! We showed up and I was like man where are they all at? Then I felt something on my head and this monkey was hanging down grabbing my hair! Scared me really bad. But we were able to buy cheetos and feed them! I would throw one and they would catch it! Super funny. At one moment I was holding a cheeto for one and had the bag in my other hand. All of the sudden a different monkey stole the bag and they both ran off! Little guys got practice robbing people. But it was a really funny experience. After that we hit up Wendys. It was a good morning.

One bad habit that the people here Honduras have is letting there little kids play in the street all day without supervision. So many little kids have huge scars and scratches alll the time from things they do in the streets. Super loco. Well during one lesson this week, we were teaching and it was all going well and I was in the middle of teaching when one of the kids comes limping in with a tonnnnn of blood following him. The parents don't even react and he comes up to us and asked for help. He was playing in the street without shoes and sliced his toe right open! and it as covered with dirt. We finally got it all clean and I told him jokingly that we are going to have to cut your toe off. He didn't take that too well. My comp took some photos... I'll see if I can get them sent over! 

We have been really blessed this last week with our investigators. Alot are progressing and we continue to find prepared people everyday! We were able to have many spiritual lessons and I'm just so thankful for the hand of the Lord that helps us everyday. We only had one sad thing happen this week. It was sunny allll week until sunday morning...and it rained! And noooo one goes to church when it rains...only 4 of our investigators made it to church but we still had a great class. It's great to really help these people in honduras. I love them so much and I love helping them come unto Christ! I love the mission! 

Have a great week! Love you all!
-Elder Sessions

Breaking all the dvd's of bad movies of a new member family... haha great feeling! (they told me to do it)

Elder Ambler hit 6 months!! so exciting! burned that tie to celebrate 6 months of hard work!
Such an awesome comp.

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