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Monday, January 19, 2015

Trincheras Week 2


Shoot it's already Monday....Hope you all had a good week! 2 sisters and a sister-in-law all pregnant with girls! So awesome! Guess I have to wait till round to when one of them has a boy to name him Jarom. So this week was soooo amazing. Like last week we were able to find a couple more people and we received a lot of help from the Lord. It was kinda rough this last week starting off with my comp and I both got sick. And we still are. One day we were both super sick and every appointment right after another started to fall through. I couldn't even keep my eyes open I was so tired and we were both walking around like zombies. I said a quick prayer and it was like a night a day difference. We were able to find an awesome investigator and have a really spiritual lesson! D&C 84.88 is so true! The angels of the Lord really were with us lifting us up.

The new zone is pretty cool. My new district leader is Elder Rios, my trainer and first comp! Boy has that been weird haha Last time I saw him I couldn't speak spanish so we were actually having a conversation the other day and it was just awkward! Rios is a goofy guy.

 So last week I told you guys about the house and that there were some problems? Well the ZL´s said to move so we moved down to the first floor apartment which is soooooo nice!. It's huge! And clean and everything works. We spent alllll morning cleaning and moving everything in. I'm excited! What's been really hard is that for over a week now we haven't had water in the house. We just have the big pila ( where we wash our clothes). Bucket showers and washing dishes has been a pain. But I recently started boiling the water and taking warm showers! It takes the burner about an hour to heat it up but its worth it hahaha! It's soooo nice. But hopefully they fix the water soon.

I'm going to call this week a week of service. We did three different services this week which turned out to be a lot more than we thought! One sister needed us to fill in a hole for her....this hole was giant! It took a couple hours and alot of blisters. 

Then we had to help a sister dig the trenches for the pipes for her new house she is making. That didn't help the blisters. The last one was the worst one...they had to put a giant post in a hole so they could extend the cables for the electricity. Well It rained all that morning so the whole filled up with thick mud. My comp and I had to get in the hole and dig it all out! It smelt so bad I don't even know what this mud was. We both got super dirty but at the end and after many prayers we were able to get the post in the hole! This week was a testimony that there is power in prayer.

look how big my muscles are haha

bathing ourselves before we go home haha

We started teaching english classes in some house in our area. We got a bunch of kids coming and a couple of adults so Im hoping with time we can get some references out of it! Also we had interviews with President Dester! So great! Man he always motivates us so much. Such great blessing! We were able to teach the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ with a new investigator Mari this last week and this lesson was gold. She came to church with a less active family we have been talking to. The spirit was so strong when we taught about Joseph Smith she recieved her tesimony right then and there. She couldnt stop staring at the the photo of the first vision and was so happy that Heavenly Father is still talking to his children here in the earth. I felt like when I was talking I was saying things I usually dont say and my comp was just on a roll as well. It was one of those moments when the spirit is just so strong that you have the chills and feel a happiness that you wish would never leave. Mari accepted baptism and we have a baptismal date all set up! So excited! We have 2 others that have dates for baptism as well! Dinora who we met with a less active family and also we have Brain! Who is also part of a less active family haha. And they allll came to church this last sunday along with other investigators that are progressing! Huge blessings!

Well I got to head out love you all! 
-Elder Sessions

Some roads we have to take almost every day

It's been pretty foggy lately

Eating eggs and beans with Nelly and Holga Guzman! awesome family!

Making breakfast with my man Ambler

Our investigator Jose with his new baby! I miss my nephews and niece.

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