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Monday, January 12, 2015

Trincheras Week 1

Elder Sessions and Elder Ambler

My peeps!

Hello everyone this is Elder Sessions emailing you from the land of the Trincheras! I'm in a little town about 40 minutes north of San Pedro! Say goodbye to concrete roads and normal streets. My area is straight mud roads and hills. And I really mean hills. Sooooo many. My legs are killing me haha. We don't have lunch or dinners so its back to the days of Dos Caminos and cooking all day! But I like it so I can eat what I want. My new comp is Elder Ambler! He is from Colorado and he is the bestttttt. He's got about 5 months in the mission so it's been really different teaching but I love it! He has a great spirit and has no fear when it comes to talking so he will pick up his Spanish so fast.
A little Basketball...

And a lot of Pizza!

Its always rough getting to an area when they don't have any investigators or anything so this week we went out like crazy contacting and asking for references. What a week of blessings. We were able to find so many people! The members showed us so many of their friends and they all seem so interested to learn more. Our planners have been full and we always have someone to teach now. It was so amazing to see the hand of the Lord with us this week trying to find all of his lost sheep. And when Sunday came around we were able to have a lot of the new investigators that we met come to church! Ahhh just blessing on blessings. So excited to keep working in this area! And we just started!
A hill in our new area

We had a couple cool experiences with finding some people. So my comp only has one change in our area and its like a maze so he is still learning it as well. Well we got kinda turned around one day and we were kinda lost. And just then a sister walked by and told us that her and all her family were members and that they have been talking about returning back to the church! We were able to go to their house and had a really spiritual lesson with the mother and the 5 kids. One of the kids is at the age to be baptized so they are all excited for that too! Also they introduced us to some cousins that are wanting to come to church too! Never thought getting lost in your area would be a good thing.

So when I first walked in our house my first thought was whoa I feel like I'm in Mexico. It has that same feel to it. Its pretty big and I like it alot. My next thought was, woooooow this house is dirty haha. 2 elders just finished their missions that were living in the house so they didn't care about anything! Man there was like 3 inches of dirt and trash. So we had to spend so much time cleaning and killing bugs. And we still have a long way to go haha. We also didn't have power for a couple days and for some reason we had like a mini flood in a our room from the bathroom! Challenge after challenge haha. 

Its been so much fun walking with Ambler and I feel like I'm learning so much in this area. Learning to take charge more or learning to be more obedient or learning to be a better missionary in general. I've really been able to learn a lot from my personal studies and the promptings of the spirit are starting to flow within this new companionship. Overall I just feel really happy and blessed. I can't remember every experience I had this week, I should probably bring my journal with me to help me with this letter haha. I love being a missionary and I love you all so much! Thanks for your prayers! 

-Elder Sessions

my comp has to play the piano in church so he has to practice...

The Guzman family from my old area

The Penas from old area

with Jorge


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