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Monday, January 5, 2015

San Pedro Sula Smith Week 6

A sweet bird! Bit my ear tho..

Boom! Boosh! Pow Pow! (fireworks)

Happy New Year! Well this week felt like it passed in 15 minutes. New years is a lot like Christmas here. The 31st they sleep or prepare food all day. Then in the night they keep me up with their homemade bombs and crazy latin music. Then allll day on the first they don't do anything except sleep. It was 3 in the afternoon and not one restaurant or house was open. Except Mcdonalds because they know what's up. And once again everyone is out of town so the work was kinda rough. Man I just can't wait to get everything back to normal! Changes are this week so we will see if I have a change! 

So we had an awesome district meeting this last week. It was about how to work with your comp and be more united. After we had an activity to practice working with your comp. We were blindfolded with a spoon in our mouth balancing an egg. One comp had to help the other get to the other side only by using his voice. It was super funny! Well after we finished we noticed that there were alot of eggs left over. And being men we had the great idea to have an egg toss. I started throwing an egg with Elder Garcia. Its his first month in the mission poor guy. I threw the egg a littleeeee too high and BAM. Right through his hands alllll over his shirt, tie and pants. hahaha I felt so bad but hey he agreed to play. He forgave me I think.

Our ward right now is struggling a little bit at the moment and now that we have 4 missionaries we have decided to push more activities and help from the ward missionaries. We have about 25 ward missionaries so we had a activity were we talk about their calling and we did some practices and games to get them motivated to help us. And it worked! now we have 14 companionships of ward missionaries to help his go and contact and find more people. Most of them are preparing to go on the mission soon so its been a great help for them as well. Im excited to see the growth in this ward! (if I dont have a change).

Other than that we are just in the work. Im going to miss the Christmas season because it was so easy to talk to people and bring up Christ. I have alot of new years goals and I'm so excited for 2015! The full mission year....whoa. Well i love you guys! thanks for everything! Sorry I don't have lots of photos like last week I'm just scared of getting robbed. Everyone right now is getting robbed! Have a good week!
Elder Sessions

p.s. At the end of his email time he sent us the following quick note..."I have a change! I'll tell you next week where I am!"

My two converts with my plaque (name tag) and backpack ready for the mission! I love them so much. They are going to be great examples for their family! Imagine how they would have turned out living in honduras without the gospel....

my sweet new honduras shirt

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