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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

San Pedro Sula Smith 2 Week 5

From Mom...
We had a GREAT visit with Elder Sessions on Christmas Day! It was so good to see his face and hear his voice! We are so proud of him and appreciate his willingness to sacrifice this time of his life in serving the Lord and the people of Honduras!!

Hey family!

Just got done playing soccer with the zone and boy am I going to be sore! Such an awesome christmas week! I feel like a gained 50 pounds from all the food the members gave us. On the 24th we got invited to eat at 4 different houses and on the way home I was like man I'm just so excited to go to bed and rest my stomach. But what happens? Our landlord invites us to eat with his family! I said a prayer and I recieved the strength to finish the food. It was a huge blessing because really I was about to explode. And then after I couldn't even sleep because they lit off those bomb things till 2 in the morning! They said that the 31st is worse so I'm kinda scared.

It was a rough week for the missionary work with everyone being out of town. Almost all of our investigators left to visit family and its really hard to contact when everyone is asleep haha  serious no one was in the streets and I didn't see any cars! They all had food comas. But we were able to visit many families that were still in town. The Peña family gave us two cakes and fed us dinner like 3 times this week! I am really thankful for the support that some of the memembersive us, its helps alot. I hope you guys support your missionaries! But don't give them to much food haha.

We were able to go caroling with a few other missionaries on the 24th and it was great! We had to walk allllll over our zone and it was a really hot day but it was a nice experience to meet a bunch of new people and share the christmas spirit! A Tongan elder had a ukulele and played all the songs for us!

We had a christmas zone activity and it was the best! We played white elephant with all the missionaries and it was hilarious. My gift that I brought was so cool honduras stuff. And as luck would have it I got Elder Porters gift! Its a picture of of him modeling an american flag hahaha so awesome. After we played  american football it was so sick! The latins were struggling so they finally understood how it is for us gringos haha. The hermanas made us lunch that was really good so overall it was an awesome day.

Well I think pictures speak louder than words so I just got lots of pics. Sorry I can't remember more! Have a good new years love you all!
-Elder Sessions

the new puppy of our landlords!

this member had some sweet old japanese swords!

dinner with the Rodrigues fam!

News flash elder sessions back home getting into his car

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