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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

San Pedro Sula Smith 2 Week 4

Merry Christmas!

Hey fam hows everyone doing!? I hope everyone is having fun with there christmas traditions and being with family! The only tradition people have here for the holidays is drinking and lighting off fireworks. Well really they arnt fire works, more like tiny bombs. They dont look cool or sparkle or nada. They just make an extremly loud noise that wakes me up at 3 in the morning. The other day a 7 year old kid threw one at our feet and I had to pull my comp out of the way! Of coarse the parents of the kid just laughed....Honduras...

At church this last sunday we got a surprise visit from President and Hermana Dester! They dont have specific ward so somtimes they visit other ones. The cool part was that their son was with them! He's like 25 or 26 and is here for the holidays. We got to talk for a while he was legit. He can speak a little bit of spanish so that was cool too. The best part was that the second speaker didnt show up to church so the 1st counselor ask president Dester to talk hahaha it was so funny because it happens to him all the time he said. But he gave a great talk about christmas and Christ. Really lucky to have him as my president!

So this last week we got invited to help a family do some servic for a man that lived next door. We were going to clean his house and the back yard that was full a tonnnn of trash and all the poop from the 6 dogs he has. Well when we entered into the house thats where it went down hill. The man we were helping was the man that tried to attack me and Elder Olivas that one night! Man I started tripping out and when the man saw me it was like we had never met. So I came to the conclusion that he was probably so drunk do doesnt remember who we are. But anyway we spent 4 hours cleaning the back yard and I have like 100 bug bites. Huge massive bug bites the size of quarters on my legs haha who knows what bugs they were....but the yard looked really good afterwards!

My favorite part about the mission is seeing your converts progress after their baptism. 3 young kids that we baptized here in Smith had the oportunity to go to EFY this last week and had great experiences. They shared their testimonies in church this last sunday and man my cheeks hurt so bad from smiling so hard. Their lifes have changed completly and its just a great experience to see their growth. I also found out that Alicia who we baptized back in Dos Caminos has brought her whole family to the church and they all got baptized! Aunts cousins and siblings! SOO AWESOME. They all went to the temple to baptisms! I love being a missionary!

It finally happened!!! Ronald got all the papers for his wedding and this last Saturday him and his wife got married! and right after he got baptized! Such a happy day. I have not been teaching him since I was with Elder de Leon! like 3 months! Ronald is an awesome guy and will be a great leader in the church. He was been paying his tithing ever since we taught about it even tho he wasn't a member! His family had alot of challenges during our time with them but they always had a positive attitude and kept their faith in the Lord. This family has been a great example for me and everyone in the ward.

The baptism and wedding of the Enamorado family! 

Well I hope you guys all have a great christmas and you eat lots of good food. Save a plate for me and spend me tons of pictures! Looking forward to skype! love you all!
-Elder Sessions

Our landlord always gives us free bannanas...its the best!

a huge house with christmas lights! so cool!

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