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Monday, December 15, 2014

San Pedro Sula Smith 2 Week 3

I like the mountains with the cool clouds

Hey family!

It looks like everyone is having a great time this holiday season at home! Is it cold yet at home? This week has been awesome! We didn't see the sun one time and it was chilly. All the people here were freaking out and had like 4 sweaters on haha. They all hate the cold and just sit in their houses all day, which makes it hard to contact. And when we put our clothes on the line to dry it takes like 5 or 6 days to dry because there is no sun haha. My comp and I are doing good! He's my first quiet comp so its just different. But he's obedient so that's really all that matters! We still get to see Elder Olivas for lunch everyday so that's good. 

Had my first experience of getting robbed this week. I mean it wasn't anything big but this 6 year was really fast. I was buying something from the pulperia and when I was handing my money over, this crazy kid behind me grabbed the money out of my hand and took off running. I didnt even move or open my mouth. I was just so confused that a child would rob 20 lemps (1 dollar) from someone that is bigger than them haha hes lucky I'm not use to people robbing me! I just hope he used it to buy some food or something. This is a good example for why the gospel is important!

We have an awesome investigator named Alberto that is the grandson of a member family that is inactive. He's 21 and at a perfect time in his life to receive this gospel! His aunt is his same age and always sits in with us during the lessons. She was bapstized when she was 8 but now goes to some other random church. We had an awesomeeeee lesson with them this last week. Pretty much cleared up all their doubts and talked about the organization of Chrsit´s church. At the end they were saying things like "How come our church doesnt have that? If the bible says this why does my pastor say differnt things?" It was like their minds were racing and they just had a 100 questions. Which as a missionary is our favorite thing. I hope they start to progress. Hardest part in the mission is when people that understand everything don't end up progressing.

We had an appointment in the Smith with the other two missionaries and were going to meet up at Olivas´s house. But when we got there they hadn't got back from there other appointment. The landlord was out front and we are great friends so he let us in the house of the missionaries. And of course the first thing that came into my mind....We have to scare them. So we hid in the 2nd room and when they got home 3 minutes later, they came in and sat down at their desk waiting for us to arrive. We waited a couple mintues and then BAM jumped out. I still dont think they have recovered. They literally screamed like a couple of sister missionaries! hahaha should of recorded it. Who says the mission isn't fun?

This week was the week of conferences. We had 2 stake conferences for the leaders of ward council and we had the general stake conference. They were awesome!! They were all focused on the work of the Lord. Trying to motivate the members to help the missionaries and support our investigators. I have been waiting for them to say this forever. I'm so tried of my investigators not coming back to church because they feel like our church is like the Catholic church because no one talks to them. President Dester spoke at stake conference and man was it good. He's such a loving guy. When he talks everyone listens. A great example for us missionaries. 

We had a awesome Christmas party with the ward! We got to bring some investigators and they got to have a great time. There was a Latin Santa Clause so that was new for me haha. 

We have been trying to work with some of the inactive members in our area and man is that rough. They straight up tell us they will never come back to the church. Man what do you say after that? We can only testify and invite. Which is more powerful than teaching sometimes! Well I love all homies back in the states. Thanks for your support and your prayers! Merry Christmas! 
-Elder Sessions

I love this dog!

Porter had these made for us!

Making dinner at the Pena's (Riiiiiight Jarom....)

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