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Monday, December 8, 2014

San Pedro Sula Smith 2 Week 2

Jarom with President and Sister Dester

Hey family!!

Man that week just zoomed by! So many blessings this week. I didn't get the blessing of a new fan but I'm learning patience. Working with Ibarra has been great. He has one transfer less than me and is more of quiet person but he really knows his stuff and is a great teacher. I am learning alot from him. I am so glad that I keep getting new comps all the time because I learn so much from each one! We started out this week with divisions with AP Nichols. He is such an awesome guy. He's like 6'5". It's like walking around with a giant. He was able to help us in our area for a day and really taught us alot. One of my favorite parts of the mission is getting to know all these new people that make an impact on my life.

In the mission is it so easy to see when Satan does something so we don't have success. Our neighbor has a pulperia which is like a little store and we have been passing by to teach him. But while we teach him he still has to watch his little store and sells the food when someone comes up. And its not even funny how everytime when we try to testify of something, someone comes to buy food in his store and we have to wait a minute or two. Very easy for the spirt to leave. He even said, " Wow, I never get this many people, you guys need to come around more often." How more direct could the devil be! It's like he just puts thoughts in everyone's head that they are hungry and they just need to buy chips this instant haha! It's okay because we have the Lord on our side and will always come out on top!

We had a conference this week on Family History and I loved it! We really can't work on our family history in the mission so the focus was to help investigators and recent converts do their family work! They say when a recent member does the temple work for their family, they almost never go inactive. Its such a great tool to help bring the spirit into lessons when we talk about their grandparents or parents that have passed and they have the opportunity to help them. We just started working with it so I hope as time goes on we can get better at teaching it and use it more when we teach! A recent convert in my area has many relatives that have passed and she has been able to find alot of names and is getting ready to go to the temple to do the work! She has had more difficulties than anyone I know but she has one of the strongest testimonies of this restored goespel that I have seen. Really her example teaches us so much I feel like she is the missionary haha!

We also had our multi zone conference this week with president Dester! It was a Christmas themed conference and it was awesomeeee. We started with learning about the new video He is the Gift. I think thats what it is in english. But it's the video that the church as made to help with the work of the Lord and to help everyone remember what christmas is really about. We use it alot when we contact and teach and its great! I really hope you guys can all watch it and tell me what you think about it. The talks where all centered in Christ and they were really great. One other thing that I have loved about the mission is that im getting to know my Savior more. Its been such a great blessing to study His life and teachings and to really have a relationship with Him. I had a great opportunity to recieve another answer to my prayers that Jesus Christ lives and loves us. And that His church is here on the earth today. I am so thankful to be his servant here in Honduras! I love you all I hope you have a good week and have the Christmas spirit!
-Elder Sessions

Elder Lyon and I at Multi Zone Conference

End of our area with my friend Jenifer

Man I have lost weight!

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