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Monday, December 1, 2014

San Pedro Sula Smith 2 Week 1

Elder Porter and I posing for Christmas Photo


Missed eating turkey with the family so to make up for it the whole zone went to Fridays! Wasn't the same but my bacon cheese burger was still really good. 

Well I guess I will start at the beginning. I had transfers! and I got moved to the distant lands of the Smith 2! YaY! I'm opening the area and we extended it more. My comps name is Elder Ibarra and he's from Panama. He's a cool cat. Different from my other comps so it means I will learn a lot! I'm going to miss being with Olivas but he's close by so we will be able to talk still and hang out. Our house is sooooooo far away from the church and from everything so its alot of walking everyday. There aren't many active members or investigators in our area so we got a lot on our plate!

Our house is super tiny but its clean and nice so that's all that matters. We don't have a bathroom door or shower curtain so that's been interesting as well. We had to spend a whole day cleaning the house and moving all the stuff in and putting all the beds and dressers together. And when I put my brand new fan together and plugged it in it worked for 3 seconds than made a noise and started to smoke and now it won't turn on. My luck with fans in the mission has just been the worst. Every single fan I've had in the mission has broke its such a joke haha. But we got one of the new fridges with freezer so now I can buy ice cream! 

view from our apartment

We have spent most our time this week getting to know the area and getting to know some of the active members that can help us find all the inactive members. Its been kind of stressful because our ward is really struggling right now and its rough trying to excite them to help with the work. But I know the Lord will bless us with His spirit and prepare the way for us. So many blessings are waiting for these people!

Well it was bound to happen some time....a dog bit me! We were walking to a house from their front gate and the guy had his dog away from us but he looked away for one second and this crazy dog bolted straight for me and gave me a good one right one my calf! one long tooth got in good and the other went in a little and scratched down. It stings some times but it will be ok ha. They said the dog doesnt have rabbies so I guess im good? haha I'm just super scared of dogs now... And now that the dog had a taste of gringo blood, he is bound to tell his friends to come and get a taste. I walk around with a rock in my hand for protection now so don't worry. And yes mom I put some of your magic oils on the holes on my legs. I'm ahead of the game. 

Well I'm excited for this next week to really start to find new people and help the work of the Lord! Thank you guys for all of your support and my mom has the mission office address if you want to send me Christmas things....just you guys!
Elder Sessions

FHE in old area

New Comp!

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