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Monday, November 24, 2014

San Pedro Sula Week 12

Elder Porter came to hang out this morning and we played some hard core soccer!

Dear home!

How's all the Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations going along? I miss those. But its all good because we will have Thanksgiving dinner with a family! yayaya! Hows everyone doing? Awesome week for Aubrey! Baby girl! That's great news but now she can't name her first child Jarom so we have to wait for the next one. One of guys will name a kid after me I just know it haha. Super busy week for Elder Olivas and I! Prepping the house for the new guys and looking for new people to teach. We have been really blessed to find a couple of new people to teach and help and its been great! We have been bringing all the youth with us this last week that are preparing for the mission and we were able to meet alot of their friends and help them understand the life of a missionary.

So this week has been getting hotter and as luck would have it the plug for my fan broke off in the outlet and I almost had to sleep a whole week without a fan. But I think my year and half working electrical and with ceiling fans was all to prepared me for this moment. I just cut the wires and shoved them in the outlet haha and it works like a charm. I refuse to sleep without a fan!

My sad excuse for a fan plug!

My comp and I were walking in this little street all chill one day and all the sudden this huge crazy dog started walking behind us giving us the stank eye. So we started to walk a little faster and the dog started walking faster as well. Then all of a sudden another dog that looked the exact same came out of the corner of the street and stood in the middle of the street ready to trap us. My comp yells " they are working together!" Then they came for us and we ran like ningas over some fences and lost them. What is the world coming to when dogs have gangs and want to attack missionaries? Its ok because I got to work off all these beans I eat everyday.

The Hermano Ronald and his wife were not able to have the wedding this last Saturday because something lacked with the papers but now all is good and set for this Saturday! More time for them to prepare and be ready for baptism. Our area is veryyyyy old and we have been working with our area book to find the members that have not been coming to church. We were able to find a family that was baptized 7 years ago and we were able to pass by and get to know them. They have a grandson living with them now who is 21 and wow what a prepared person for this gospel. He was able to come to church with us and loved it! Such a great blessing the area book and working with members!

I had the opportunity to baptize the twins in our ward this last week! The homies that I help with their English homework. They have become my great friends and asked if I could baptize them! It was amazing!

The twins are 8 and they are named Angel y Rosendo Enamorado!

One of our great friends in this area is this family Peña. They have just recently been coming back to church. The daughter who is 22 yrs old has a problem with gluten and can't eat one piece of bread or has to go to the hospital. So for the sacrament she brings a tortilla and they use that for her. She had the amazing experience to have a dream of the savior sitting at a table with the sacrament and told her if she eats the bread it wont hurt her at all. This was a huge act of faith for this sister. When Sunday came around, she didn't bring a tortilla and when her brother saw her eat the bread he started to freak out and wanted to take her to the hospital but the bread didn't do anything and she never felt any pain. What an example for all us of the power of faith! And the Lord is always testing us. This experience has helped me so much here in the mission.  

Awesome week! Love you all! Have a good Thanksgiving! Thanks for writing me!
-Elder Sessions

p.s. Note: I asked how his Spanish was going and he said...Spanish is going great! Still need lots of work but I understand everything and I can speak well. 

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