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Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 11

Hey Homies!

It was great to read all your guys letter and see your pictures of this last week! Im so blessed that you guys didnt forget about me when I left for the mission. You guys are the best! But for the ones that don't write know who you are... Different kinda week but successful! I had to go to immigration and get my pic taken and fill out some stuff. I am now a resident of Honduras! yayayaya yippy. The weather has gotten a little hotter but not too crazy so thats been good! Sometimes I use my sheet because it's a little chilly in the night haha.

The week started out with zone meeting where we were told to go house shopping....because 2 more missionaries are coming to the Smith! I'm so excited! They will be coming in the next change at the end of November. We had to spend alot of time searching for apartments or little houses. It was super tiring because we couldn't find anything in the price range. But after many days of walking up and down every street we found a couple that could work! Blessing from the Lord! 4 missionaries in the Smith is going to help so much. We have alotttt of inactive members and our area is massive so we are going to tear it up! Praying for gringo missionaries haha

So I've been in the mission for about 8 months now and overall its been pretty calm. Last night we had our first crazy dangerous experience. We were in the street thinking about where to go and a huge man came up to us and started to say rude things. He started to pull on my comps tie and when I said ´lets go´ my comp for some reason shook his hand. But the man wouldn't let go. When my comp finally ripped his hand away I shoved Olivas back and ran down the street. Olivas was all fired up so we took a right down another street and the man was there coming after us! We booked it hard core through some streets and lost him and chilled at a members house till we felt good to leave....Super crazy! Later a family told us that they saw us run past and the man came after started asking people where we were. We were protected by the Lord that night.

Luis Diaz is progressing great! He's reading the Book of Mormon and already has a great testimony of this Gospel. If all goes well with his papers he will be baptized in December! Ronald Enamorado is doing awesome as well! He will be married and baptized this Saturday! So exciting! Even tho this week was different and so many appts fell through we were still able to have great experiences help the work of the Lord. I'm reading in the book of Alma right now and for the first time understanding and learning from the sons of Mosiah. They are perfect examples of missionaries! They put everything they have to do to the will of the Father. Makes me animated to work harder and maybe I can baptize a King or two ;) Love the mission! Hope you guys have a great week! Christmas is coming don't forget to send me goodies haha

-Elder Sessions

My left shoe from one pair and my right shoe from the other pair....
They just exploded and the foam just started to deteriorate haha It stinks!

We had the primary sing us songs this Sunday! So awesome.
I have a sweet video but I dont know how to send it :(

The Rios Family had us over for dinner!

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