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Monday, November 10, 2014

San Pedro Sula Week 10

Hey family!

Really can't believe it's already Monday!y...Time is just zooming by. We had an  awesomeeeee week! We were able to find a lot of great new people to teach and we have people progressing! We had divisions with one of the APs this week and that was a good time. Super chill dude from Texas. I learned a lot from him and the way he teaches and says things. So many examples of great missionaries in my mission! Everyday is an adventure with Elder Olivas. He alwayssss pulls pranks on me and jokes with me its the best! But when its time to be spiritual and to teach, he has one of the strongest testimonies I´ve heard. I hope we don't have changes at the end of this month!

I will start off with a story that was super trippy. So we had a dinner appointment with this family named Alcerro and after we had time to teach a little and get to know them more. They have a daughter on the mission in Argentina and the mother started to show some of the pictures that they had received from their daughter. Then she showed one with companion she has right now.....Kalie Harper!!!! whattttttttt!? My next door neighbor!?! I was so shocked! But it was really cool. If someone could get me her email that would be great :)

Kalie Harper!!!
We were contacting a reference one day this week and they wouldn't come outside so we decided to talk to this woman that was outside cleaning her porch. We started to get to know her and it was all good then all the sudden we noticed she had a CTR ring (in spanish) and we were like " hey your a member!" her response was "dang you caught me" hahahaha loved it. She said she hasn't come to church in a long time but likes her ring. My comp and I just couldn't stop laughing at her response! We had a good talk with her and we got to see her in church this last sunday! Funny great experience and seeing the hand of the Lord helping us.

I had a one of my favorite lessons that I've had in my mission this last week with Luis Diaz. So we started out all normal and then it got real. He pulled out a list of things he read on the internet that he read about mormons that were made by anti mormons. At first I was shocked but that's where my awesome comp came into play. He didn't talk about one of thing from the list but just bore his testimony of his conversion and of his experience with the same types of things. We were able to feel the spirit so strong and he just threw the list away at the end. Such a strong tool that satan uses and it has pulled so many people away from the truth. It was a great experience and I'm so thankful for the spirit during our lessons!

The family Enamorado with the son we baptized are doing great and progressing a TON. They all have such strong testimonies and they all went out and bought white shirts and ties for church! Love it! Love you guys thank you for all your support! Don't is coming you...:)

Elder Sessions

With a family for family night

Amanda's birthday party (she is the the returned missionary that helps them so much!)

service project cleaning up a house full of dead animals and cockroaches

playing basketball in the stake center today!

helping the twins with english homework!

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