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Monday, November 3, 2014

San Pedro Sula Week 9

Booooo ( its a ghost because halloween)

What a great week! It was so great to see all the pics of the new Phx temple! I wish I could have gone through the open house! The weather this last week as been unreal. It was still really humid but I haven't seen the sun once!   Its been a big blessing because when that sun is beating down, you just lose all your energy. Hope it stays the same this next week! It slightly rains throughout the day and there is wind! One night I got a little chilly and turned my fan down from high to medium. It was a big deal. First time in the mission my fan wasn't on full blast!

So Elder Olivas and I were talking about how much we loved halloween and that we were so sad that almost no one celebrates it here honduras right when we walked by T.G.I. Fridays. And it was alllll decked out with decorations and halloween stuff! So naturally we had to go in and get a burger. It was so great to see all these families with their kids in costumes. We took a ton of photos with all the kids and staff who were in costumes and the best part was that at the end we met a family that lives in our area that we are going to visit tomorrow! Great to celebrate a little bit of halloween :)

 A sister missionary in our ward came home recently and has became our new best friend. She has all these friends and references for us it has been amazing! She comes to teach with us sometimes and really has been a great example for the ward and her inactive family. And for the last 3 weeks our teacher for the class of investigators hasn't shown up and this return missionary just stepped up and started teaching! Member missionaries for life ;)

Really cool experience with our investigator Luis this week. He's new and was a reference from a member. His wife is a member but has been inactive her whole life. He told us he has been praying that the missionaries would come to his house and help his family get baptized. Then 3 days later we called him! It all started with a member in our ward that saw the need of the gospel for this family. And during our first lesson he had told us that he has read the whole Book of Mormon! He is very prepared and has a strong strong testimony of the gospel. One of those investigators that is a like a breath of fresh air. He constantly talks about getting married in the temple and how that's his biggest goal. I love it! I think my comp and I have permanent smiles when we teach him haha.

We had the baptism of Jorge! At the beginning we really wanted him to wait for his dad and mom to get married in December so they could be baptized at the same time but he came to us and said that he had prayed and received an answer that he needed to be baptized as soon as he could. I really think it was a good idea because now he is a great example for his family and they have grown even more closer through his baptism. I had the opportunity to baptize Jorge and it was so beautiful! Such great support from the ward too. Jorge is one of those people in the mission that I will remember forever. He's really special and has helped me just as much. I love this gospel so much!

Love you tons keep them pics coming! And send me candy ;) Have a great week!
Elder Sessions
In front of our church

Juicing fruit for a family who sells juice!

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