Blog Archive

Monday, October 20, 2014

San Pedro Sula Week 7

My zone in El Carmen!


Wazzzz up family!? How are you guys! Que loco this last week. It started with transfers and I had to say bye to Elder de León! I really learned a lot this last transfer and I'm glad I had the opportunity to work with him. And as luck would have it I got another Guatemalan! His name is Elder Olivas and he has the same time out as me! I'm really excited to work with him and tear it up here in the Smith! He loves to contact and its awesome because we are in need of some new investigators! He is also super hilarious and its so nice to laugh and enjoy the mission like we should. I am super happy for this transfer!:) My bro from the CCM-Elder Porter had a change too and he got put in my zone! We are even closer now! It's the besttttt.

Same tie as Elder Itaehau at transfers!

So our first night together started out not so good....we had 3 appointments in the night time and EACH one fed us dinner. And it is super rude to say no so we ate with smiles and crying stomachs. Each meal was huge and that night I got super sick and that was 4 days ago and I'm still sick. I got food poisoning and it has been the worst. I can't sleep and walk a lot and have a huge fever. Sad to start the week out like this with my new comp but it just won't go away! I hope to feel better soon!

Even tho I have been sick, we were still able to have some good experiences and were really blessed. We have an investigator that is really amazing named Tañia who finally came to the church this last sunday with her little girl and it was great to see her talking with the members and getting along with everyone. She told us she really wants to be a better mother and wants us to talk to her husband but he won't receive us :/ but we are still trying don't worry haha. She came to all 3 hours of church! This was a miracle for us :)

I think I might of shared a story about this family that we are working with right now that are getting married to be baptized. Wow I love this family! They are so animated for this gospel and they came to church with white shirts and ties this last sunday and it was so great to see them all together and smiling. The father wants us to visit his family everyday he's so funny haha when we do visit them all of the family pays attention and they have great questions that shows they really want to learn. They always testify that what we taught them is true right after we teach it! And they invite friends over to hear us and they are already trying to be member missionaries haha! This family I will remember for my entire life.

I'm sorry I didn't have any funny or crazy experiences to share this week, too busy dying from food poisoning haha I'm just joking but I love you guys! Thanks for your prayers!
-Elder Sessions

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! Thanks for posting Danette.
