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Monday, October 13, 2014

San Pedro Sula Week 6

Eating soup of the sea....crab, fish, shrimp yayayaya
(the one food he was dreading eating)


Yay P-day! I love being able to see how you are all doing! Had an interesting week here in La Smith. I cant believe I've already been here for a change! My comp has a change so I get my new comp this Wednesday! :). It rained a tonnn this week which was so nice to have some cold air in the nights. Oh and we also had interviews this week with President Dester! He really is such an amazing guy. I am so blessed to have him as my president for the 2 years im here! He really inspires us and gets us animated for the work.

We had something super crazy happen this week in our area. The majority of our area is nice houses and cement streets. We have one area that is just dirt roads and is more of a poor area and we were there one day going to teach a lesson. When all the sudden 15 horses started to stampede down this little road full of people. There were a ton of little kids playing in the street and in like two seconds we ran and grabbed 3 little kids and rushed them over to the side of the road right has the crazy horses ran by! It was insane! We were so lucky to be walking towards them and saw them sooner. The mother of the kids took our pamphlet  and we got a appt. with her next week so thats cool how it all worked out! crazy honduras horses...

We were visiting this part member family this week and the father and son are getting baptized later this month and we had an awesome experience with them. After one lesson the son told us he has been seeing things in the house like dark beings and has had weird feelings and they they started once he started taking the lessons from us. And at first I thought he was going to say that it was because we don't have the true church and it was a sign not to listen to us. But he told us it was Satan trying to pull them away from the church and he told us he is going to push forward and get baptized! We got to dedicate the house after and that was also a very cool experience. 

I am so glad I have the examples of my parents to teach the importance of the sabbath day because here in oneeee follows it...everyone buys things at the store and stuff and they try to hide from us in the street when we walk by and they have their bags from the store haha its funny sometimes to hear their excuses but really its sad. It's more of a culture thing then a commandment here! But its something we are working on with the ward. But we were able to have a baptism this week of 2 kids of a family that is getting reactivated! really great to see the change in their lives and to see their testimony grow.

Have a great next week I love you guys!
-Elder Sessions

baby drinking pepsi in a bottle...

cool silver dudes that didnt move!

cool silver dudes that didnt move!

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