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Monday, October 6, 2014

San Pedro Sula Week 5

Hey gringos

What a great week right?! You guys look like you are having a blast-that's awesome! One thing I realized is that this will be the first year I don't get to wear a halloween costume...sad right? This is the time when a boy becomes a man haha. This week was good but I was super sick off and on. It was rough because I never felt like eating but then later I wanted to buy like 10 baleadas (burrito things). Today we played soccer with 2 zones and that wasn't a good idea because now I feel super sick! Life in Honduras...
today playing soccer with 2 zones!

I have been studying Preach My Gospel a lot more lately and it has been a great blessing for me. I've realized I am so blessed to be a missionary in this time! The old missionary handbook was great and really worked for that time but now the world is different. One thing I love about PMG and something that President Dester talks a lot about is our job is to get people converted to the gospel and not just baptized. We have hundreds of inactive families in our areas that have fallen away for some reason or another and I love getting the chance to help them receive blessings the Lord has for their family. We have a couple families that are preparing to go to the temple now and to see the change and joy they have in their families is worth it all. Love this work!

We were able to get in contact with a family this week that is very prepared for the gospel. The mother is a member but hasn't gone to church since she was baptized at age 13. The husband is really really really excited for this gospel and already has a strong testimony and we love seeing his enthusiasm! They also have a 14 year old son that is a genius and understands everything. They all went to conference and had a great experience and are going to be baptized in a couple of weeks. One problem we had was that the parents aren't married and when we asked the mother what she thinks about that she said,"I told myself I would never get married to this man, never never, but if it means he can get baptized then yes we will get married" I was just like WHATTTT this neverrrrr happens! I have taught sooo many people to get married and not one has done was a miracle! They are getting married this week! wooo yaaaaa!

How amazing was conference right? So many great lessons to be learned. I loved how the general authorities could speak in their native language! 2 talks in spanish ya ya! I loved on sunday how three talks in one session talked about the importance of following the prophet. Then when the prophet spoke he talked about following the Savior! Really powerful talk from President Monson. I love how he talks about the life of the Savior a lot and uses scriptures from the New Testament showing his love and mercy for all of us. I was able to watch all of conference in english so that was a huge blessing! I would love to hear about your guys experiences from conference so please write me about them! 

Enjoy your guys week and be a member missionary! love ya!
-Elder Sessions

eating at dennys after conference!
in front of the huge catholic church in the center of SPS.

making baleadas with a family!

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