Blog Archive

Monday, September 29, 2014

San Pedro Week 4

My beloved family

I bet you guys are reading this in a room with air conditioning....count your blessings. Haha no I'm joking but it is crazy hot today! Its ok it will get better in a couple weeks. Thank you all for the emails I love seeing what you guys are doing. ( for the people not writing me, get to it). This week was so awesome! So many great stories and experiences. At the beginning of this week we had ward council but when we showed up, no one was there. But when we went out back to the basketball court everyone was playing tennis! They brought rackets and a net and it was awesome! We got to play for a little and man was it a good time. My comp told them I used to play when I was little and they want me to teach them on P-day haha. But I can't because I have to wash clothes....

I realized this week that I really don't know anything. Haha thats weird to say but its true! I need to rely on the Spirit for everything! We had an appt to go back to this guys house to teach the second lesson but in my head I really didn't want to go back because he was kind of rude, he didn't want to listen, and already told us he didn't want to get baptized ever. But the Spirit told us that we still needed to visit him. And it turns out that his cousin was there and is realllllyyyy prepared for this gospel. It was just a huge testimony for me that as missionaries we shouldn't do what we want to do but we need to do what the Lord wants us to do.

Normally when we are out walking around we are always greating people and saying hi and usually the people answer with same thing. But when someone says "Adios Elders" we always turn around and go talk to them because either they were baptized or they have talked to missionaries before. And this week it happened 3 times! The first was a woman that had received all the lessons but just wasnt ready and she told us she thinks she is ready now and wants the lessons again! Cool experience. Next one was 2 women that have been inactive for a super long time and the daughter had just had surgery and was feeling really sick. We were able to give her a blessing and they came to church this last sunday! The last one was a sister that is married to a non member that really has been praying for help for her husband to be a better person. And told us that she has been praying that the Lord would send her help. All these experiences happened just from people saying Hola Elders and us turning around to talk to them. I love this work!

This Saturday we had 2 baptisms! Alejandro and Angelo! Brothers of a part member family. It was such a great day, alllll their family that are members that live all around San Pedro came to the baptism to support them and it was so great to see the strength of this family. And all because one sister in the family got baptized 10 years ago. I had the blessing of getting to baptize and it was really special because they seem like my little brothers. They are excited to go on missions and serve in arizona and come to my house haha. Their testimonies after the baptism were so powerful for being younger kids and I know they are going to grow so much in the gospel. The friuts of serving this mission are worth everything!

Thank you all for your support and remember to write me! love you!
-Elder Sessions

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For one dinner this last week we ate at this sisters house but she wasn't going to be there so she gave us the keys earlier that day and said to use whatever food you want and cook because I'm going to be out of town.. haha we made tacos!

This baby really wanted my juice haha so adorable

My district leader and I study english ever day after lunch!

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