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Monday, September 22, 2014

San Pedro Week 3

Hey Family!

So great to hear about your guys week! Everyone is on vacations which is just awesome....not. You guys are suppose to wait till I get home! Well I hit the 6 month mark this week! Woooo YAAA so exciting. TodavĂ­a estoy tan joven. I still got a sister mission left (the sisters serve for 18 months) to help the people in Honduras! 

At 6 months we burn a tie!

I'm loving it here! My comp and I had a good last week and we were able to work a lot of with our members! Early in the week we had a correlation meeting as a ward and it was amazinggggg! The ward is super focused on getting all the recent converts activated again and everyday this week we went out with members in the ward to go meet with the families that haven't been coming to church. It has helped so much in receiving references and new people to teach from helping people come back to church. And its so nice to see the ward animated and ready to help the missionaries. ( just like all you guys are doing right? ). Its a huge blessing for me to be in this ward and to have them to back us up when ever we need their help.

Our zone meeting this week ended a lot differently than most. Everything was normal, we had a good lesson everything was good then when we went to leave....both of the gates were locked!!! Zone meetings are in the church and we don't have keys so the workers let us in every week. But this time they forgot about us and we were stuck in the church for 3 hourssss. The only people with keys were working super far away and it was 1000 degrees with no water. But what did we do? We played basketball outside the whole 3 hours to pass the time haha It was a waste of time and I was frustrated that we couldn't leave and go get lunch but it was a good zone bonding activity. We just had to work extra hard the whole rest of the day ;)

One thing that's been great is that we have a gym in our area that we go to every morning! My comp has a heart problem so I make him go to make him feel better haha. The guy who owns the gym is like a trainer and he tells us what to do and one day this week he made us do legs..I told him, hey I walk allllll day please don't make me do legs I will be so sore. He didn't care and he ended up murdering my legs. I was walking like a drunk guy for 3 days my legs hurt so bad haha Other than that, the gym has been a positive experience and it's good to work off that fried chicken.

My comp and I had a really cool testimony experience this week about the power of the priesthood and the role it has in everyone's lives. We are teaching this family that comes from a very humble background and at this time the father didn't have a job and everything was going to downhill. They wanted desperately to get baptized but didn't have the money to get married first. This week when we stopped by he was very sick and we had the chance to give him a blessing. The next day he felt completely better and he called and asked for another blessing to find a job. And the next day he got a job! He was so happy and I'm so glad to see his family progress in the gospel and to receive the blessings that the Lord has to offer! 

Love you all!
-Elder Sessions

This is where you find me on p-day!

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