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Monday, September 15, 2014

San Pedro Week 2

A family that is preparing for baptism

Hey hey!

Hows everyone doing?! It seems like last week was full for you guys! My week has been very very different. I think I am going to learn more in this change than in all my other time in the mission...which isnt a good thing haha. Having a Latin comp is just so different and they do things so different so its going to be interesting haha but today we got to go eat pizza and that was awesome! Its so nice being in the city!

Early this week one day we were getting ready and we got a surprise call from our AP's that they were coming to do divisions! Which was great because we got the gringo Elder Lindsy in our area. He's so legit and its sad because he finishes his mission this change....he's a great missionary and we learned so much from him that one day that he was with us. He gave us some pointers which was awesome because we need it! Poor kid had to sleep on the ground because we only have two beds. But hey thats what you get for doing surprise divisions haha!

One thing that is so funny here is that alottttt of people can speak English. Not perfect or anything but enough to communicate. And when we talk they switch back and forth from english to spanish and it hurts my brain! Some of the people that have a little more money pay 1000 USA dollars for an english school which is a lotttt of money down here. One day this week we were with a family and she pays that money for each one of her kids and she told the kids that they could only speak english when the elders are in the house. Well one of the kids came in and yelled, Good Morning! Its was 8 at night. I said its "Good Night". and he goes nooooo its Good Morning I know it. Then I said, " well there goes 1000 bucks down the drain" haha only my comp understood me but it was hilarious.

Because people have more money here they buy more expensive food but just because it cost alot doesnt mean it tastes good haha! Well for them it is good food but for gringos like me its the stuff you throw in the trash. This last week I had cow tongue, cow stomach, cow tail again, and some type of cartilage from an animal I don't know haha crazy! For you that dont know, Im not a huge fish fan but I got fed that this week a couple times. One time I accidently swallowed a sharp bone they call a spine and I almost died! No I'm joking but everyone was freaking out, I just ate a tortilla and it went down normal. See this is why we should not eat sea food people. haha

The fish that almost killed me!
We have these 2 younger kids named Alejandro and Angelo that are getting baptised in 2 weeks and its like a breathe of fresh air teaching them! Their mom and sister are members and we reactivating! These kids can see how bad the life around them is and they want to change and be better people. They have had a lot of good examples and bad examples and its great to see their desire to have bettter in their life. Thats what I love about this church and gospel!

Love you all! 
-Elder Sessions

I get to eat cereal out of a cars bowl and it reminds me of my nephews

I got a free shirt and hat!

1 comment:

  1. He is doing so well! I love reading the adventures of these missionaries!
