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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 17

Like a real catracho ( a Honduras man) eating fried chicken and tortillas!


Hows everyone doing?! This week had a lot of ups and downs but ended up being really awesome. It all started when we were teaching this family and this little girl coughed into our faces maybe 20 times. She has bronchitis. So of course the next day when we woke up we were almost about to die. We were coughing our lungs out and couldn't open our eyes. But we had a lot of appointments that day that we had to go to. The Lord blessed us with strength to finish the day but right when we got home it was just horrible. I had my magic juju oils and by the next day I just had a head ache but Duff didn't want to be healed so for the next 3 days he suffered. We all have our agency right? haha I'm just joking he just thought they smelled weird. Which is right I'm not going to lie.

So I had a lot of time for about 2 days while Duff couldn't walk so I did a lot of reading and studying. But after a while you just gotta move you know? So I decided to be productive and clean the whole house. Well I still had time after that so I decided to chop the front and back yard. Well I was almost finished and my foot landed right on the main water line for the house. Darn hondurans use PVC pipe for main water lines....who knows why..well we headed to the hardware store and bought new pipe and glue and borrowed a saw and fixed it but dug deeper in the ground so it wouldn't happen again. See Mom? This is what happens when I try to be productive. I break things.

One cool thing that happened this week was with 3 different times teaching the Word of Wisdom. Almost every single time we have taught this the investigator has had problems with coffee and tea. But the three times we taught it this week each person said they hated coffee and tea and that they liked juice better. Which was just a huge weight off our shoulders and was awesome for these investigators. I thought it was funny how each one said they liked juice better haha maybe they can become friends and have juice parties together and stay active in the church :)

We had a cool activity for all of our investigators this week. We had a movie night at the church and watched the Restoration! Man I love this movie. It was great because so many of our investigators showed up and they all had so many questions and they got all their answers! And the best part was the family Donaire gave us a ride home and they were able to express their feelings about Joseph Smith with out everyone else around and they said that they believe he was a prophet and are excited for their baptismal date! It made me super stoked and I'm so thankful for the spirit for touching this great family!

Had a really cool experience this week. I had divisions this week with my DL Elder Bingham. We were in his area and I loved meeting all these new people. Makes me excited for my next area. I had the great opportunity to meet this investigator that was about to get baptised. Before we taught the lesson I felt like she really trusted me and she went in detail of what has happened in her life in the last 6 months. She just had her baby 6 days earlier and now she has 4 little kids. Her husband was murdered 6 months ago and she hasn't had a job since because she has been pregnant. they live in this tiny tiny shack on the top of a huge mountain and don't have water. They have to carry water all the way up when they want some. I felt so bad for her and the hardest part was we planned to teach the law of tithing with her! It was a very spiritual lesson and at the very end after we taught where the money for tithing goes she said." wow that makes a lot of sense because there are a lot of people in this word that have it way worse than me". And I was speechless. I really just wanted to cry and thank her so much for being so amazing! Even tho she has this huge trials in her life she knew what was important. That is one of my favorite things about this gospel.

Love you all! till next week! (send me candy)
-Elder Sessions

A member during divisions gave us money to go eat at this place
that made super good meat!

Came over to our ward mission leaders house to talk to him
and found him asleep on the couch!

Our investigator Isis the doctora gave Duff a HUGE shot when he was sick hahaha it was hilarious

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