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Monday, September 1, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 18

At the meeting in San Pedro and got to hang out with Elder Porter my boy

Howdy everyone! Sorry... my comp is from Idaho and has got me talking like a farmer. This week was AWESOME! So many great stories and experiences with the Spirit. It is a little sad because changes are coming this Wednesday  and I'm almost positive I am leaving. I've been with Duff for 2 changes and I was here before him. I am excited to experience a new area and everything but I am going to miss all my friends here! So many awesome members and investigators that have been changing my life! We have 2 people getting baptized this Saturday and I really wish I could be here with them.
One of the girls getting baptized is Alicia. She is 16 and really is the investigator that missionaries pray for. Right from the beginning she prayed and got her testimony. She has come to every church meeting and activity for the last 5 weeks and she even paid to go to the temple with the ward this last week just to see the temple and go to the visitor center! Super cool experience. The other investigator is Mariela! She has 2 little girls and I actually taught her a couple months ago but she didn't want anything. She recently gave us a call saying she lost her job and needed a better relationship with God. During our visits and her coming to church she just started to receive a ton of blessings and received her testimony thanks to her experiences. Both of these investigators are awesome and I'm so sad I won't be there to see them in white! But planting the seed is what is important. Doesn't matter who does the harvesting.

This week we had a meeting for all the missionaries in San Pedro! It was given by a member of the 70, Elder Alonso. He reminds me exactly like President Wright... it was kinda weird. But we learned a lot and it was awesome to see everyone and get a huge spiritual boost.  When we were traveling there we had to take a bus like normal. It was a regular size school bus. With about 400 people shoved inside. We were more towards the front and this last month the road to San Pedro has been closed to a one way for construction which is super slow bumper to bumper traffic. Well as soon as there is an opening our driver cuts over to the ONCOMING TRAFFIC and starts hauling it down the center of the street! Cars and other bus are swerving out of the way and our driver never once touches the brake. All the other drivers driving normal on the other side of the road are just pointing and laughing while we were about to die! This goes on for a long time until the construction ends and he zips back over. And all he says is" Hey these people need to get to their jobs on time". Man people are crazy here.

It was Duffs birthday this week! super exciting because if you have a bday everyone makes you cake! We had 4 cakes for his birthday haha its the great life. The other Elders in the house got him a dart gun and water gun and it was a huge mistake. Since being ex-military Dufff just runs around shooting us all day haha this is my life here in Dos Caminos.

At hermana Isis house to eat cake for duffs bday!

The family Mejias tradition for bdays is you have to soak the person! sweet action shot haha

This Sunday which might be my last here in my area was so amazing because allllll of our progressing investigators came! We had 11 at church and all 7 that have a date for baptism came too! It was just so cool to see the fruits of teaching and seeing all of them really searching for the truth. The doctor Isis came! That was special because she studies and does practice allll week and can only make money on sundays but she choose to come to church! And the family Donaire came and they made a ton of friends and their son loves primary and its great ... I cant really explain it.
I love teaching this gospel pf Jesus Christ!
I love you all, make sure to write me or I won't send anymore pics haha
-Elder Sessions

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