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Monday, August 18, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 16

                             Average doors in Honduras

Hey family!
   Fast week here in the mission! It looks like everyone is having a great time enjoying the heat! Just know that it's not hot there at all. Come take a trip to Honduras and you will know what hot is! Except we have been having these crazy thunder storms that are just insane! The thunder is literally right over our heads and hurts our ears it's so loud. But don't worry I always have my emergency plastic bags for my books haha.
   This week as been full of blessings and great experiences for Elder Duff and I. One thing we love doing for our early morning visits is doing service. It's something Duff has taught me and has helped a lot in our area. This week every single day we had an appt. with someone to help with chopping their grass and things like that. We built a new wood fence for a sister and redid someones whole barbwire fence. And i love it! I get to work on my tan which is great but also the people start to trust us more and talk to us more as friends which is what our goal is through service! I also have you guys as great examples on doing service which I'm so thankful for! Can't wait to chop the grass at home back in the states with my machete ;)

   This last Tuesday my life flashed before my eyes and I almost died. No not really but it WAS scary. We stopped by this members house to teach a lesson and she had us wait while she put her dog back behind this cage thing on the other side of her house. Well this isnt just any dog....its a massive HUGE pit bull! The biggest scariest honduras pit bull you could imagine. So we start to walk around towards the back door when all the sudden we hear metal moving around and the sisters eyes get huge and she yells "Elders! Run! Get inside!" Then this insane dog comes bolting around the corner straight for me. In 2 seconds I jumped over this dog who wants gringo blood and jump over 3 stairs to grab the metal gate and swing inside like Indiana Jones. Duff was already in the house and was laughing like crazy at how scared I looked. I got a huge bruise on my leg from jumping on the metal gate. It was a great lesson we had afterwards though and we got a good reference haha!

The crazy Pit bull!

In our zone meeting this week we learned a lot how we need more confidence. Which I need a lot so it was great! When they asked what I had a problem with when contacting people I said talking to groups of people. So th y made me practice with the district like they were a whole family and I just got to know them and ask questions and teach a little of the gospel. It was great and I learned al ot and I got to practice it a lot this week! As missionaries we sometimes get scared to talk to people but it nice to know that the worst thing thing they can say is no they don't want anything. And that's not even bad because our job is to invite everyone to come to Christ! And as member missionaries you guys have the same purpose ;) just remember they can only say no or yes :)
One experience teaching this week was with the family Donire. They are one of the first full familyies that I have taught that have been progressing. They have a real desire to learn and be closer to the Lord and this week we taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Which I love because its just the simple principles and they are easy to understand and know that they are true. They have an 8 year old boy who after we taught about baptism is said " I want to get baptised". Which was awesome! But he also said he didn't feel prepared yet. And it was great to teach that as missionaries we are here to help prepare you for baptism. They all accepted a date and they are loving coming to church! Those kind of lessons are the best in the mission. Love being here in Dos Caminos and I'm going to be sad when I leave! The spirit is so strong here! Love you all!
-Elder Sessions

Baby turtle they are watching for a few days

Sweet looking spider

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