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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 15

Jarom and Elder Rodriguez

Hello land of the free and home of the brave.

So good to hear about your guys week! You all seem very busy which is good ;) I really had a great and funny week here in my area! There were 4 murders in my area this week and thats all anyone wants to talk about. It really is hard for the people here. Now I understand why whenever I say my area is Dos Caminos people always say, " oh where your life doesn't cost anything". its not the best thing to hear when you are about to walk home and its 9 o'clock haha. But we are protected by the Lord so no worries haha. 

Well the week started off with a muti zone conference with the President. And it was reallyyyy good. President Dester is the man and he really knows what we need to hear. So after the conference I had divisions! My zone leader Elder Rodrigues came to my area with me and Duff went to the other area. On the way back we took a bus and I had to sit next to this lady and her 3 year old kid. Well this lady is just shoving chips and pepsi in this kids face for his lunch I guess and this kids face is just like "mom please just feed me some normal food". Well he had his limit and threw up all over me.Yup right on my lap and shirt and shoes. But the best part was the mother didnt even acknowledge that it happened! and continued to feed him. So that's what I deal with everyday haha. After this we had such a great time teaching and I loved practicing my spanish more. Just picture a mexican santa clause and thats Elder Rodrigues. He's just a jolly positive man and we got along really good.

This mission has been changing me alot and I am loving it. But one thing I don't think it will change is my love for pulling pranks on people. And Duff and I decided Elder Moose was a perfect target. I changed our contact in his phone to say Presdent Dester and gave him a call acting as someone in the office. We told him that the president needed to talk to him as soon as possible and to come to the office right away. Well after the call he runs in our room freaking out that he is in trouble or something and we just kept saying hurry hurry get dressed! Well he was just about to leave and we couldn't keep it in any longer and just busted out laughing and I still don't think he has forgiven us. But man was it a good one haha. Dont worry mom I wont do anymore pranks on people....

Alot of progression happened this week and it has just been the best feeling ever! We have 8 people with a baptismal date right now and its been so cool to see the change in their lives. One experience I want to share is about our investigator Isis who I talk alot about, I'm sorry but I just love our lessons with her. So recently our lessons have been really easy for her to grasp and understand. She thinks its all great and has been praying and reading to receive answers to know that its true. Her answer has just been taking alot of time and she was getting discouraged so we decided to help her and we watched The Restoration video with her. The hour long one that is just full of the spirit. Well after the movie the first thing she says is " why are those people so mean to him! There is no way he wasn't a prophet". So I just asked, " If you believe he was a prophet what does that mean for you?" She starts looking at us and her eyes get huge and she had an "Oh Shoot" moment. She says " That means everything is true! He saw God and Jesus and your church is the only church with the power to baptize!" I dont think you could understand my joy or imagine how big my smile on my face was. She accepted a date for baptism and this experience just testified to me how important the restoration is and the role the spirit has in conversion. 

Until next week! Love you guys and thank you for your support!
-Elder Sessions 

my best friend Kennedy who always calls me dad...

...and then Duff let me cut his turned out ok I guess.. hahaha

Me playing with this cute cat at a members house!

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