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Monday, August 4, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 14


What a great week! so many great experiences its just been awesome! We got a new zone leader after changes and we had our first zone meeting. It was a great meeting. All the new people and the zone leaders gave a great talk on our purpose and how to be more organized with the work. But on the way back Elder Duff lost his wallet and it had all of his money in it for the last 4 days....I felt really bad because we just ran out of food and the members dont usually feed us but we got through the week with zero money and bought sooooo much once we got money again haha!

So out of the 3 members in our area that are active we went out with each one to meet their friends and get referrals... And its we AWESOME. It was great having someone that they trusted testifying of what we were saying. We were able to get a lot of new investigators and a lot of them showed up to church! Just another testimony of how important member missionaries are!

There is this family called Donire and we started teaching them about 3 weeks ago. They actually came first to church sunday just to see how the church is and that was how we met them! They even live 3 houses up from us but we have never met them! Just a crazy awesome experience about how the Lord has been preparing people for us to teach. They have come every week since and have agreed to be baptized and we are putting a date for them in our next appt! I'm super excited! 

So this Sunday was fast Sunday and I've never had fast Sundays like this back at home. Missionaries here fast after lunch on saturday till sunday lunch. Well as soon as we started fasting I'm pretty sure the weather heated up like 20 degrees. It was the hottest day ever! And then on top of the heat we had two appts for service that afternoon to chop wood and grass. Now after this I felt like I was about to die of thirst. The sister even brought out water with ice in it and it was just right in front of our faces tempting us. But we powered through and had a miracle! The sister's friends come over and we were able to teach them and man were they ready for the gospel! and this happened throughout the entire day! It was awesome to see the Lord on our side when we do the little things.

We were in our neighborhood talking to a man about our church and inviting him to come this sunday when all the sudden Isis, the Doctor who we are teaching, walked up and joined the conversation! Turns out they are friends, and she literally says, " These men have a great message and you need them to come to you house, and I don't know if they have invited you this sunday but you have to come to church with us its so beautiful!" And I'm just like amazed at her for backing us up and it was just a great situation and he ended up coming this sunday! We actually had more investigators at church than members from our area haha! Love seeing the work progress and I love this church! Have a good week family and remember to write me! 

-Elder Sessions

making baleadas

This little girl insisted on giving Elder Duff this dragon tattoo and it was so funny!
Don't worry we washed it off right after ;)

The new Elder in my house Elder Moes!

A poster of the President of my branch when he tried to run for mayor!

Boys being boys

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