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Monday, July 28, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 13

Duff and I eating these things called topogigigos... basically ice cream shakes
 but no ice cream in them haha!

Buenas! Well I didn't have changes thank goodness and I'm still with Duff in Dos Caminos! We got a lot of awesome goals this next change and I'm excited! We got another Elder in our house named Elder Moes! He's awesome!! Because he's a gringo and now we have four people in the house that speak English so we can just speak English all the time! Which is great but it's horrible for my Spanish haha and I don't get enough practice as I want. 

Last pic of our zone before changes!

This week our investigators have progressed a lot and its been encouraging seeing results to hard work! In the begining of the week we out contacting and it was just a bummer. It was the first time I've ever seen so many people say they don't want to talk to us. Usually they always let us in and then we take it from there if they want more or no. It has just been a ton of really mean people and I could tell Satan was just working so hard against us. It was really rough and we wanted to just stop. But we need more investigators so we finallyyyy came to a house that had 2 people that have been prepared so much by the Lord and it was just a really big burden off my shoulders to know that Satan might mess with us but if we just keep doing what we need to, the Lord with help us. 

Interesting story this week....Well before Duff came to be my comp he had a really bad experience with these infections on his face that really almost killed him. He was in the hospital for a long time but he got better and has these sweet scars. But this week he started to say he had this pain in his thigh and me- being- me said its probably nothing...but when we got home we looked at his thigh and he had a huge black hole that looked horrible and looked exactly the same as the ones on his face! So we got picked up by the president and went to the hospital. I sat outside alllll day. But it was actually nice because Presidents wife Sister Dester was with me! She loves to talk just like me so we talked the whole time and it was fun! She is so amazing and I'm so blessed to have her as my mission mom! Well Duff caught it soon enough so we were able to leave and now he's just on some meds which was nice so we didn't waste more days! Over all a good experience for me but I don't know about Duff haha!

Me and Hermana Dester in the hospital for Duff!

I'll give a summary of our investigator Isis! She's the Doctor. The last lessons have just been awesome. She trusts us so much and she continues to read the Book of Mormon. We last taught about the Word of Wisdom ( law of health revealed by the Lord for the physical and spiritual benefit of His children) and it was so different for her because of the coffee and tea. But we just had a really great spiritual lesson and she said that it totally made sense to her and she would work on it, which is so cool and rare! I just love sharing the gospel with her.

Another story about the Word of Wisdom. We have this investigator named Italia and we have taught her so many lessons but she just wouldn't pray to know for herself and its been very hard. But after the lesson about the word of wisdom, we found out that she drinks 8 cups of coffee a day. 8 CUPS. We challenged her to stop and pray about it . But the next week she said she was only drinking 2 a day! And I was just amazed because she said she loved her coffee. But she said she loves the way her life has been changing since she started the lessons and loves the way she feels when we are over. Since then she has stopped drinking it completely! It has been such a huge blessing and this is my favorite part about missionary work. Seeing these people's lives change, along with mine. 

I love you guys Thank you for the prayers! 
-Elder Sessions

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