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Monday, July 21, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 12

The baptism with Victor and his family!

Buenas gringos!

This week has been very interesting...But I'm glad to see your guys week was awesome! So this week started off with interviews with President Dester which I loved because this guy is just a champ and I love him! But we got some bad news. One of the elders that lives in our house was getting sent home and Duff and I had to be his comp till his plane left on Saturday....yes a whole week with an angry missionary who didn't want to leave this house. Probably one of the biggest challenges I have had yet. It was very sad and our numbers where so low and we weren't able to go teach some of our investigators which was the worst part. But I look forward to this next week to get back to work! Changes are on Wednesday so we will see if I get changed or not. Pray for me that I can be with Duff one more change!

But one thing we were able to do this week was we cut down this massive tree. with a machete....only a machete....big it was actually fun just wacking these branches off and watching them land on Duff. It took a long time but we got a nice work haha. But this is not all. The elderly lady we did this for made us soup after. And soup here is pretty much what ever they had laying around from the day before im pretty sure. It just has chunks of weird vegetables and meat. And  this time the meat was cow tail. yes its was 80% cartilage and 20% meat. It was pretty rough to eat haha but i didn't get sick after and thats the most important thing:)

Me in the tree on a sketchy ladder swinging a machete haha

So one day our Zone leaders gave us a break from the elder going home and we went on divisions. And Duff and I went with Elder Pace! Yes three gringos walking around preaching the word and there was nothing stopping us haha. I love hanging out with Elder Pace he is just hilarious. Thats one of my favorite parts about the mission is meeting all these awesome guys. But when we went to bed that night we realized something. 5 Elders. 4 beds. so being the nice guy I am, Pace slept in my twin bed right next to me. Its better than the ground with all the bugs.  I woke up every 10 minutes with his foot in my was a bad night.

Had a baptism this week for Hermano Victor. Hes a great guy and his whole family are members. It was great to see his son baptize him and seeing the family so happy. I cant wait for them to go through the temple! After the baptism they made baleadas so that was a plus haha.

Oh and a summary of our lesson with Isis and her cousin! Oh my goodness they are just solid. They have been taking notes from what they read and they have such awesome questions. They loveee the plan of salvation because their church doesn't talk anything about stuff like that. And the best thing was that they went to Tegucigalpa for some school classes this week and they decided to go to the temple and check it out! They bought hymn books and visited the visitor center and we were just blown away because we haven't even taught about temples yet haha. But I love teaching them and feeling their spirit. They will be able to attend church in September because right now they have school on sundays :( but the next missionaries are going to love them!

I am so thankful that I can be here in Honduras and everyday testifies to me that the Lord knows me and what am I going through. He sent me Elder Duff right when I needed him most and I feel so blessed to be with him. Recently I've been getting down on myself for not knowing spanish that well or not being able to teach that well and Duff just sat me down and helped me work on everything and the principles that I needed help with for teaching. I love this Church and I love you family! Thank you for everything!

Elder Sessions

Elder Espinosa and I at Pizza Hut after our meeting in San Pedro. 

Bringing out the boy scout in me and playing with fire (sorry mom)

This is a dancing drunk in the street haha I told him if he danced to this song I would give him some candy and it was a very funny experience haha

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