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Monday, July 14, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 11

Howdy family!

This week was veryyy fast and it seems like all of you had a very busy and fast week too! It was a good and sad week for Duff and I here in Dos Caminos. Alot of our investigators are not progressing and we had to stop teaching most of them. For Dos Caminos there are 2 areas and we are in the area that the church building is farthest from and the people in our area don't have jobs and money so they can never afford to get a ride to church. The other area with the other missionaries is the rich area where everyone has a car. It really stinks because people will be so interested but they just can't make it to church. But we are continuing to work hard to find the ones the Lord has prepared. 

This week we had a cool experience. In the street we walked by a woman and she said she was a member and invited us over for lunch the next day. I dont know why no one told me about her but the next day came and we went to her house. And her house was massive! It had two stories and all new everything and she even had a computer haha. It was the first time I've seen a house like it. Well we came to find out that she has a boy on a mission! But she just wasnt that active anymore. Her son recently wrote to her that she should feed the missionaries more. Hey I'm good with that you know? haha and the great part was she came to church this sunday! and the bishop was so happy to see her because they use to be good friends. The Lord knows everything and I'm so glad we saw her in the street that day!

So this week we tried really hard to contact more people and get more references to have more people to teach. It was really great and contacting really helps my spanish because i always have to think on the spot and use different words. We contacted in this area high on a mountain where I have never been and it was the strangest thing. It was the first time people said they didn't want us to come by another time and teach them more. It sounds weird but it was so hard and they were very rude. We came to find out they all went to the same church and the pastor teaches anti mormon things and says that they aren't allowed to talk to us.....ya it was horrible. But I plan to go back this week and find the person or persons that are ready to hear this gospel.

We have had a lot of ward activities this week and its such a good way to meet more people! We had a couple soccer games that we were able to get references from and most of them were guys which is good because usually we are teaching girls... idk why but there are like 10 girls to 1 guy here in Honduras. Also the kids in our ward are saving money for EFY and we got to help make baleadas to sell to raise money! But I ate a lot more than I made.....oh well...

There is a family in our area that is just huge and i feel like everyone is connected like.. his brother is my cousin and his wife is the daughter of this guys sister. I don't know there is just a ton of people in this family haha. And we taught one of the daughters named Dora, not the explorer,(haha) who is around 25 years old. We taught the restoration and it was one of the best times I have ever taught it. The spirit was so strong and Duff and I were working well together. She stopped us towards the end at one point and said," I feel that a darkness has left me and I have this light inside of me". She looked so happy and I'm really hoping she progresses! I just love these type of experiences and it makes everything worth it.

I love you all and hope to hear from you next week! 
Elder Sessions

So duff hit one year! Super exciting! Once you hit a year you burn a shirt! We wrote stuff about Honduras all over it then lit it to the skies to give thanks for a great year. It was super fun and he didn't want to wash his shirt anyways haha!

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