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Monday, July 7, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 10

Hey family!!

I had a super fun week here in Dos Caminos! Thank you for your guys emails today they were great! You guys had  a break for 4th of july and got to party and I didn't even see one firework. But one family said" hey tomorrow is the 4th do you want to come over and make pancakes for our family?" so ya we brought pancake stuff and had an american breakfast for the 4th and it was the best! Duff made a mickey mouse pancake and blew their minds... they thought it was magic or something haha

My prayers were answered and I got my fan! It makes suchhhh a difference and now I don't have sweat drops on my scriptures in the mornings! We also figured out that our beds were bunk beds so we put them together and now we actually have rooms for our clothes! Only problem is that they have very very sketchy beds and some screws broke when we were putting it together and i have to sleep on the bottom....i mean Duff isn't a huge dude but I pray every night for protection.

So it looks like I'm following in Perry's footsteps in my mission. Sleep talking. My comps in the MTC said I would always sleep talk and then Elder Rios said i would say things but he didn't know what because he didn't know english haha. But now its at a new level because now I go to bed so scared sleeping on the bottom sketchy bunk that Duff says I scream at him to stop moving so he won't fall on me haha I even got up and moved his ladder and when he went to get down in the morning he almost fell! but I don't remember anything! ya its pretty crazy.

This week we have been trying really hard to get new investigators that really are looking to change their lives and the spirit is so strong with these people I just love seeing them grow and change. We have an investigator named Jamie and actually Rios and I contacted her my second day in Honduras and she is progressing so much right now and she has a date in a couple of weeks and she's awesome! She works every other 4 sundays so church attendance has been the hardest thing but she really wants to be baptized so I'm excited for her! 

So in the last email I talked about a sister named Isis and how awesome she was. Second visit was just as good! Her cousin is there with us too and is just as awesome! We asked them in our last lesson to read a little of the book of mormon and when we came back they actually read the first couple of chapters of the Book of Mormon! and even better they took notes! We had our lesson plan but we ended up talking about those chapters the whole time and about the life of Nephi´s family and it was so spiritual and I am so thankful for the Book of Mormon and the spirit we can feel when we read it. We gave them the lesson 2 pamphlet and I'm so excited for her to teach it to us this week! haha

Love you guys! I want to hear your member missionary stories! You all better write me!
(you can write Jarom via email at

-Elder Sessions

My organized desk area!

Duff and I about to leave for the day!

Right outside the window are 10 chickens that wake me up at 5 every single day and make noises all morning while we are studying. No amount of water I throw at them will ever get them to stop.

An area way far away were a man was chopping a whole entire mountain to plant some fruit tree thing!

getting a sketchy haircut by duff! 

1 comment:

  1. I sure love this Elder! Thanks for posting Danette!
