Blog Archive

Monday, May 26, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 4

How are you all doing??!! Man what a great week here in Honduras! Its been crazy hot here and i dont understand how one person can sweat has much as I do. Like where is it all coming from? oh well haha 

I think i will start of talking about our multi zone meeting. It was soooo great! It was centered around being a consecrated missionary. Basically a missionary who sacrifices everything for the Lord and the work. A missionary who doesn't stop working and is perfectly following the rules. We read a great talk about it and it was so eye opening and I realized that i want nothing more than to be a conseIrated missionary. As i have been trying my hardest this week i have had the spirit so much more and we are being more effective. i still have a long way to go but once the spanish comes i know it will be a lot more easier and i can fullfil my purpose as a a missionary. When ever I think about a consecrated missionary, Perry and Dad always come to my mind and I know they were consecrated missionaries and I am so grateful for their examples in my life. I love this work!

Something else that i learned this week as been the importance with working with members. Its alot different here than in the states with members because only some are full active members and they don't really like to share. But when we can get them to help us it turns everything around for our investigators! They will come to church and other activities and it gives them a friend to be an example. But another thing I thought about was all of you at home and how you guys could help further the work of the lord so much by helping the missionaries. Please please please contact the missionaries in your ward and tell them you would love to have them over with an investigator. They need to show that the members of the church are normal people! Just feed them dinner and be a friend and I know the Lord will bless your life and the lives of the investigators. You guys have it so nice with the organization of the church in the states because I feel like the church here is like a little baby and they dont understand things like starting on time. Haha every sunday church starts at 9:30 but it is supposed to start at 9...the bishop shows up super late and is never at the meetings either...they still end church at 12 tho hahah! Again please strive to be member missionaries!

I get free mangos everyday and its the best! Veggies are veryyyyy expensive but the house we go to on Sundays for lunch always has cucumbers or some salad which is nice.

I am very blessed I feel like because everyone says that it is a huge culture shock and it so different but i don't have that shock at all its just the spanish that is the hardest haha.  I always did my own laundry now its just a little harder and I'm use to being kinda independent and that has helped a ton!

Jarom with DL 

Muddy Shoes All The Time!

We had a great experience this week! So in our neighborhood we have a little store at the front gate and we always go there to get food in the mornings. We taught the daughter of the people who own it and after the third lesson she told us she didn't want to change religions. It was sad and i just wanted her to read the book of mormon! So now it has been 2 weeks since that and me and my comp went to the little store like always to go get breakfast and the father was at the entrance where you tell him what you want and they give it to you. and i walk up and he is reading  the Plan of Salvation pamphlet! It shocked me at first because i forgot about the daughter for a second! I think my mouth was just wide open just staring at him and he was like " hey tell me about these 3 kingdoms of glory". It was 7 in the morning I was in shorts and a shirt and I was thinking "this stuff actually happens?!" I was able to answer his question and we have an appointment to teach him more! And the best part was that morning in my prayer i asked for new investigators! He even said he had been reading the Book of Mormon that we gave his daughter. Man I was on cloud nine!

So the language is coming along slowly but i wish people will just slow dont a bit when they speak... is that too much to ask for? So the language of spanish is rough but even harder is the language of the spirit. The language of the spirit so much more important i think and its so hard to figure out if I'm just thinking that or is the spirit guiding me? The spanish will come but I want to know the language of the spirit now! haha who to talk to what to say where to go. I just need to have the spirit with me always.

Love you all! 
Elder Sessions

With District Leader

PDay Soccer

Water "Bags"

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