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Monday, May 19, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 3

Family! I dont have a ton of time to write today due to the power and water being out for the last couple days. it just came back on but p-day ends very soon! So i have been showering with a bucket and thats been different....but its all good! 

Jarom's House

I have been so blessed this week with not having to eat anything crazy! Everything was amazing! I had baleadas like 4 times this week! 

We were suppose to have a baptism this saturday but something came up and it got post- poned to next week I think:(. but we are teaching alot and I'm loving it! (well my comp teaches alot... I try my hardest haha). The weather this week has been great but random. It rained soooo hard for like 2 days and I was just soaked and I dont know why but I loved it haha! It was better than the heat. The roads were rivers but hey that doesn't stop the missionaries! I was very very muddy when I got home.

I think 3 or 4 times this week we were teaching and the person was Evangelic and it was sooo hard! Their views are complete opposite and it just becomes a huge bible bash. My comp always wins but they just say your bible is different( even tho we use their bible when we are teaching them) And they have such a horrible attitude about Joseph Smith and its so sad because he went through so much and I know he is a true prophet and I know he restored the true church. All we can do with those people is bear our testimony and walk away. Its rough.
The reason my comp always wins the bible fights i think is because he is a convert and his bible is marked up on every page and is so organized. In my life i have never been good at marking my scriptures and my comp has showed me how important it is and this past week i have been doing it and it has been making my personal study so much more effective and i am always thinking about how this certain scripture can help one of our investigators. It has been such a great blessing and i feel the spirit a lot more each day. In one of our lessons i was actually able to use a scripture that i read that morning and it turned the whole lesson around and it just testified to me the importance of effective scripture study. In every lesson my comp uses the bible which is so great because they all know it and it is really familiar to them and I don't know anything in the bible that well so i always write down the scriptures he uses and then study them in the morning as well. It has been awesome and i know it will help alot in the future!

This family is awesome and they just want to get married and get married in the temple. They have been waiting for 7 months for someone to help them and I think  was an answer to their prayers. This is the family.

Family I love you tons and I am thankful for your example! Send me lots of packages with candy ok? Thanks your the best ;) Talk to you next week!

Touring Waterfalls on P-Day

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