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Monday, May 12, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 2

Wow this week went by really fast! I'm loving it here in Honduras! We have a ton of investigators right now and we are super busy! I am trying to learn as much spanish as I can so I can teach more and it's coming along slowly haha. Sunday was so great! for 2 reasons. First... almost all of our investigators came to church and the building was packed! It was so great seeing everyone at church and seeing their faith in the gospel. We have a couple more baptisms this next Sunday and I'm so excited! Even tho I usually don't know what they are saying I can still feel the spirit so much when we are teaching. And the second reason Sunday was so awesome is because it was Mothers day! which means SKYPE! Man that was so nice seeing everyone and seeing how big the kids are getting! I think about them so much whenever i see kids here. Family you are amazing like always! Thank you so much for your prayers and your words of encouragement for me with my Spanish! cant wait to skype at Christmas ;)

The people of Honduras don't understand what an appointment is I many of them weren't home when we came by! Thats the hardest thing, being prepared and ready to teach them and then they aren't even home. But a couple times that happened we talked to their neighbors and we had lessons with them! So it still turns out good but it slows the process of our investigators :( 

We walk for hours all day and we get superrrrr dusty but thats not the worst part. Its 110 degrees with 100% humidity and I am just covered with sweat all day everyday haha and no one here believes in air conditioning so we just bake in our houses and in members houses. I didn't think i would ever be so excited over portable fans. Sometimes people will feed us hot soup and i just don't understand because my body is already 1000 degrees...  haha

We try to do a lot of service because it's a great way to get in the door with people and the other day we were cutting some wood for an elderly sister and I didn't realize how much there was but it took us forever and my white shirt was brown after and my hands were covered in blisters and i was completely soaked in sweat! but hey we have an appointment with her in a couple days so it was worth it right?  :)

There are dogs everywhere and its so hard not to go cuddle with them because they all look so sad. Sometimes there are puppies just crawling around and i always pick them up and carry them to my next appointment then set them back on the ground haha. I better have a dog waiting for me when I get home.( hint hint mom)

I know that this mission in Honduras is crazy and different and I know if I didn't have the Lord on my side I couldn't do this. I know that when its hot and I have to go up this big mountain or when the food is so strange and I don't think I can eat it or trying to speak spanish, the Lord is on my side and he will help me through everything! Its amazing how much I feel his strength everyday. I am so thankful for the example of my family and i love you all! THE CHURCH IS TRUE!

-Elder Sessions

Crime Scene
This is where a guy was killed. Happened right near where he was.

1 comment:

  1. He looks like he is adjusting well! Great photos! What a Guy!!
