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Monday, May 5, 2014

Dos Caminos

So Honduras is crazy...but awesome! Love it here! Once we landed in honduras and got off the plane, it was like someone punched me in the face with a fire ball. It's is a sweat box here. I will never talk bad about the CCM ever again. The ccm had laundry machines, warm showers, normal ish food, and awesome weather. Opposite in honduras haha. But its great here! Alot of walking and alot of not knowing what is happening because I don't speak spanish.....

My trainer is Elder Rios! He has been out 7 months and is from Mexico and he is great! I mean he doesn't speak english so i don't really know what he is like but he seems great haha. So i realized I don't know any Spanish.. I have no idea what these people are saying! I hope it comes fast because i think my comp is getting tired of teaching the whole lessons :(

Everyone lives in a wood or cement house with dirt floors. The people really don't have anything but they are so kind and humble. Before I got here I thought I wouldn't get to eat a lot and the food wouldn't be really weird but its the opposite! Every house we go to they feed us huge plates and the rule is you have to eat everything they give you. Everything. We have like 7 meals a day. I am going to gain 100 pounds. The food is bland and they always have this weird sour cheese that shouldn't even be called cheese haha. But i loveeeeee baleadas! look them up they are great! (Wiki note: Baleadas are one of Honduras's most original and popular foods. A baleada is a wheat flour tortilla, often quite thick, folded in half and filled with mashed fried beans.  People may also add other ingredients..Sounds like a bean burro to mom!). Every meal is beans and rice :/ oh well. 

My area is called Dos Caminos and is a massive area. It is about 30 minutes from San Pedro Sula. We walk alotttt all day. If we want water its in a bag and that's really different but cool!

We had a baptism yesterday! A sister named Yessica! I was able to teach her twice and it was awesome! She has a little daughter and has many friends in the ward so I think she will stay active. We have about 140 people that come to church (they actually just built a new church a couple months ago and its nice and is like Rocky Point's) and 140 that are members that do not come to church so about half of our appointments are with less active familyies. We have alot of work to do. It would help if I knew spanish haha..I was able to ask 5 people to be baptised in the next weeks and i am so excited! The branch president in my area doesn't let the missionaries baptize the investigators he wants people in the ward to do it so when we leave they still have a connection with someone in the ward. 

Its so strange in honduras..there are hardly any old guys. There are old women everywhere but no adult men. In church only the girls in the families come to church and it so sad because non of them have the priesthood in their homes. In a lot of the families the dad just left. Its so sad because the mom is stuck to work all day and care for all the kids. Its so sad. But the kids are so cute and funny i love it! Everyone just stares at me with a look that says,"oh my goodness a white guy" and NO ONE can say my last name. Every person i meet it's a 5 minute process sounding out my name haha.
The streets here are insane. They have little tiny 3 wheeled things called moto taxis and they are crazyyy. One time i got in one and a kid who was 13 was driving! Zippin and zaggin around other cars i thought i was going to die. I just close my eyes and pray that we dont crash! I know the Lord will protect me tho. I am so thankful for this restored gospel and i love being a missionary! Thank you all for your prayers! I love you very much! 
Elder Sessions

Our place

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