Blog Archive

Friday, April 18, 2014

4 Weeks Down at CCM - 2 Weeks to Go!


I can not believe it is already p-day! This last week has been the most effective week so far. My comp Elder John and I decided that in our lessons to our investigators we would not bring any paper or our lesson plan to read. We just bring scriptures and teach through the spirit and it has made our investigators open up and to feel the spirit so much more! I truly have had many lessons where the spirit told me what I needed to say at that time and Elder John and I are just loving it! 

One of our investigators was very open to the church and had a baptismal date and everything but in our next lesson he said he didn't want to hear from us anymore and that the church wasn't for him. I felt so sad for him and the spirit told me that I needed to ask him to pray right there that moment. He prayed for 10 minutes and asked the Lord to help his family understand why he wanted to join the church. Nothing we could have said could of made him tell us the problem was his family, he just needed to pray! After that the lesson was so powerful and we were all crying at the end and it was just amazing!

I am sooooo glad I was raised in this gospel and that I have a family that is active and have taught me the principles of the gospel! It's amazing how much doctrine and principles I remember during my lessons that my parents have taught me. I wish you guys would of taught me in Spanish tho because that would help me right now :)  

Every Monday we have friends that leave and its the worst. We are almost the oldest people here and its so weird. We have added 2 new districts in our zone and you are only suppose to have 2 districts to a zone so church is gonna be crazy! We might have to use more than 2 pieces of bread for the sacrament haha. Elder Skylar Passey is in my zone and just got here yesterday! It has been so great to see him! 3 people from my school just got to the CCM. Now we have like 10 people all together! Small world! 

Everyday we do the same thing so I'm excited to get in the field and experience Honduras! Everyone is getting kinda bored so we pull pranks on each other everyday so I'm kinda on edge all the time. I'm looking over my shoulder every 20 seconds as I type this. Someone put a live cockroach in Elder Porter's shoe and when he started walking he felt it and screamed so loud! I've never laughed so hard in my life! Someone took all of our toilet paper out of our house and that was an interesting day haha..

We were able to go to the Mexico City temple this morning and it was so nice to get out of the CCM. The temple is closed for a while so we went through their awesome visitor center and it was great! This guy was selling churros and they said I couldn't buy any and I was upset because they were like 2 feet long and looked amazing! But its ok because I was able to come back to CCM and eat some cereal for lunch.

I love you so much  and miss you! i will keep praying for you guys to find someone to teach! Send me lots of pictures of what you guys have been up to!

-Elder Sessions
My District

Mexico City Temple

Elder Sessions and Elder Porter

Mexico City Temple

Service Day - Changing out old beds for new!


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