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Friday, April 11, 2014

3rd Week at CCM

Hola Mother!

The weeks have been going by pretty fast and i don't think my Spanish is keeping up! But hey I've only been here for a little more than 3 weeks. Mexico moved forward another hour so i think I'm two hours ahead of you guys now. So the week started out really great, I was asked to become district leader and that has been something else let me tell you haha. Its weird and stressful sometimes because i don't like being bossy and i feel like we are all equal but it has been an awesome experience so far! Except i have to give a lesson every Sunday pray for me haha. The food here is getting worse. I eat cereal everyday! Its cafeteria food and I don't think our stomachs like it very much...but Tuesday is pizza day and I don't hold back, I wont eat breakfast or lunch just so I can save room for the pizza. 

It was one of the sisters in my districts birthday this week and it was so fun! This elder named Favila is in the room right next to mine and he is one of the funniest kids I know. And for this sisters birthday I helped him make a cake! But we don't have any ingredients or oven or anything but Elder Favila has a special talent when it comes to making cake. He was actually in jail for a little bit when he was younger and he learned how to make a cake from cookies and pastries and it was the coolest thing ever! This sister had told me earlier that she was a pastry chief and always made cakes for people on the birthdays but no one ever made one for her so it was awesome to bake her one! it was delicioussssss. 

My comp Elder John has had a really bad stomach pains and stuff like that this week so a couple days this week we had to stay home but it was ok! He didn't want my magic oils and the pills the doctor kept giving him didn't do anything. After a couple days I made him take some peppermint a couple times and lets just say that we didn't have to stay home the next day.

 WOW conference was amazing! Even tho i had to sit in the same chair for six hours and i couldn't fast forward the songs it was still great!:) Elder Nelson's talk was awesome! I bet dad liked that one ;) and it was cool to see Elder Zwick and that other Elder that spoke at our stake conference right before I left!

We have this friend that works in the cafeteria named Pablo and he hooked us up big time! We told him we were going to Honduras on our missions and he said he could get us Honduras soccer jerseys with our names on them! we just got them a couple days ago and they are sooooo cool! I will send pictures. Now i just need to learn to play soccer. I'm half way there! :)

My favorite time during the day besides class, personal study, and teaching practice is gym time! There are a couple of other districts that are awesome that have the same gym time as us and we have huge volleyball games everyday and I'm thinking about going pro. but before every volleyball game, Elder Porter and i have to get our ping pong practice in. Its essential to be an effect teacher. I hope they have ping pong in Honduras. I met this wonderful lady from Honduras that is serving a mission in the ccm and we talked about San Pedro Sula for a while and it made me so excited/nervous! The first thing she says when she finds out where I am going is "oh...there is alot of drugs there" so ya its gonna be great.

One night on our way back to our house after our classes we looked up at the big mountain behind the CCM and it was on FIRE! Like a lot of fire! And there are a ton of houses right next to it! No sirens no yelling no anything! somehow the fire went out after a while and the next day I asked my teacher what that was all about and he said "oh ya that happens all the time". Moral of the story is that Mexico is crazy.

Well family I love you very much! Thank you for everything! I'm trying not to miss you guys and its going pretty well for the most part but i really miss Barrett and Mom haha...I'm just joking :) 
Talk to you next week!
-Elder Sessions

He was having troubles downloading his pictures this time so this is all we get...until next week :)

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