Blog Archive

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Week 5 CCM

AZ Bro's

Hola! Its my last P-day! I leave on Tuesday morning around 6:30! Im so excited to go to Honduras! I have been reading blogs from other missionaries and just reading about San Pedro Sula and man it looks really sketchy haha. San Pedro is the number one most dangerous city in the world besides a war zone....I'm glad I have the Lord on my side and i know he will protect me! They also eat alot of cat,dog and horse so this should be very interesting. The people are so open to get baptized its going to be amazing but the missionaries there have to focus more and reactivation then baptisms. In one ward they have 1600 baptized members but only 150 come to church! Looks like I have alot of work to do.

So this last week as been super fast and the Spanish we have been learning is so hard I think my Spanish is getting worse! But I can usually say what i need to. Its annoying not being able to say what exactly is on my mind and having to reword it to use words I know. People in English missions better count their blessings :) 

We have gotten new investigators and thats fun because the first couple lessons are easier for me to teach haha. We are teaching a older man who is married to a member and he has been going to church for 20 years with his wife but is not baptized. He says he wont get baptized because he was married before and his wife was a catholic and he thinks he has a promise with her that he needs to stay catholic. So I asked him if he believed and had a testimony about the restored gospel and the plan of salvation and he said yes. So I said "you know where you late wife is and you know shes knows the truth now. Dont you think she wants you to be baptized and receive all those blessings?" I could instantly tell from his face he knew it was true. And the lessons have been going AWESOME since then.

One of my favorite Elders here, Elder Tanner, had a really rough last week. Because of some medical issues the missionary department was sending him back home and he was going to have to submit his papers again and go to a states mission. It was hard because he was actually fine and the Lord knows all so he wouldn't of gotten called to a mission he couldnt handle and we didn't want him to leave. We all prayed for him and the missionary department decided that he could stay and go to his mission in El Salvador! It was so awesome!

So I guess there was a 7.5 earthquake just north of the ccm! We heard the sirens and had to run outside to the "safe zone." Some people said they felt it but I couldn't. I saw the trees and lamp posts moving tho so that was kinda cool! I know you guys were probably worried sick about me. ;)

Thank you so much for the Easter cookies! They were so fun! You guys sent like 500...I had to share or I was going to get fat! But really it was the best thank you!

The other elders and I loveeee to scare our teachers and the sisters in our district haha. Elder john is short so we can hide him just about anywhere we want. closets, bigger drawers, under a small desk... you name it and Elder John will hide in it. He's like our secret weapon. 

Again there are so many missionaries from Arizona! Its my favorite thing talking to them and seeing that we have mutual friends!
Well I think that just about covers it. I love you all very much! Thank you for everything!
-Elder Sessions

Jarom Houdini

1 comment:

  1. I am checking to see if Jarom can see the comments. He finally made it, lets hope he does not starve as I don't think they have a lot of lucky charms there.
