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Thursday, April 3, 2014

2nd Week at the CCM

Thank you for all your wonderful emails! this last week has been so spiritual and amazing its been crazy. Im going to start with fridayFriday was a really good day and was very productive and it will be a day i will always remember. We had just finished our last class and we were getting ready to leave when one of the sister missionaries in my district came up to me. This sister is so amazing and has such a sweet spirit. She came up to me and said she was feeling really sick and she asked if I could give her a blessing. And in my head I'm thinking "me? why? maybe you can borrow some of my oils my mom gave me?" but i said yes and all the sudden the spirit was so strong and I knew I didn't need to worry what to say and that the Lord would help me. I was lucky to be prepared with my oil and I got my roommates and companion to help. This was my first blessing I have ever given and I was surprised to be so calm. I know the blessing I gave wasnt from me but was from the Lord and it was one the best spiritual moments of my life. My roommates told me after that my voice was the same but the way I said things was not like me at all and I know that the spirit was with us that night. I am so glad I had an example like dad to teach me about the priesthood and always being worthy to give me a blessing if I needed one.

Earlier that day I received a package from my best friends Chelsea and Ethan who are up in Provo. It was for my birthday and it was the most creative and perfect present i could have received! It was filled with letters and notes and candy and pictures! It was Jarom themed which was the best part. I will send pictures of it. I am so glad I was able to meet them and I know we will be friends forever.

Mom thank you soooo much for the Krispy Kreme! it was such a surprise and i miss american pastries! For our meals here in the CCM they serve "pastries" too but really they are just hard pieces of bread cut into different shapes. I was able to share them with the elders in my house that I liked the most (just joking i shared with everyone). I can't describe their joy to have american sweets for a change hahaha they were in heaven! They told me to tell you thank you!

The investigator we have been teaching is now one of our new teachers which is kinda scary because he knows our weaknesses and always messes us up haha but the teachers still don't speak any english really but my spanish has improved 500% so i can usually understand them. I miss our Latino roommates who taught us spanish. They were hilarious! They emailed me and I have no idea what they said. I'll get back to them in a couple weeks haha.

Do i have any new nephews or nieces yet? Don't keep me out of the loop people. We just got a bunch of new missionaries and sooo many of them are from mesa and gilbert! It's great seeing so many people I know all the time! Mom I met a sister missionary named Sister Olsen that says her mom works for  a orthodontist place and you guys know each other! I'll send the pic of me and her to you later. So the other district in our ward is leaving on monday and its gonna be sad because I love them and I'll miss them! but now we wont be the baby district so thats going to be nice haha.

Every Sunday we have a devotional and we say good bye to the missionaries that are leaving the next day. We have alot of polys (Polynesians) in the CCM and at the end when everyone goes outside they do the Haka and its so awesome and it prepares them for "battle" as they go into their mission field. My whole house is being taught it by Elder Purcell and we look goooooood haha We get to do it on sunday and I'm so excited! 

I don't know if you guys knew or not but the CCM was originally an LDS school. The kids would get dropped off on mondays and stay for the week then come home on the weekends. The whole campus is 90 acres its so massive but we have like 1/20 of the missionaries that provo has. 
Well i miss you very much and i love you a ton! Thanks for everything and thank you for your prayers! and study spanish so we can talk when we get home! Talk to you next week!

Donut Party!

Elder Garcia is the one who spoke good English and translated for them

Elder  Ramirez followed him everywhere and spoke zero English

Elder Tanner is from Gilbert. He and Jarom have a lot of mutual friends

Great picture of the houses on the hill with the trees in bloom. 

Most of the Mexicans in their house that recently left for their missions. Jarom will miss them.

Their "house" that they live in. The dorms are all being remodeled.

Thanks Chelsea and Ethan!

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