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Monday, March 7, 2016

Villanueva Week 19 Last Letter!


It's time...2 years completely dedicated to serving the Lord! What a blessing it has been to be a full time missionary and to help others receive this beautiful, perfect gospel. Looking back, all I have is great memories, funny stories, and spiritual experiences that I wouldn't change for anything!

I could feel the Lords hands protecting me each and every day through the dangerous roads and blazing hot sun. He was there every step of the way with each investigator and less active member to help in their progression here on earth. It has been such a blessing to see miracles being brought to past buy the priesthood of God.

I will be sad to leave but excited at the same time now to work on my future progression! I have made so many friends I honestly feel I am leaving family here in Honduras! So many people have shaped my life here and have helped me change more and more into the disciple the Lord wants me to be.

I KNOW this church is true and has the power of God to live with our families for all eternity! Without a doubt I know Joseph Smith was a Prophet called to restore the truth back to the earth and I know we have living prophets and apostles today that guide us through revelation given from our Heavenly Father. We are so blessed to have a loving Father in Heaven that would give up His own son that we might live and be perfect even as He is! The Atonement is real! It works!  I am thankful for the opportunity that I have been given to serve the Honduran people and I am excited to continue to serve in whatever the Lord sees fit. Gracias por todo su apoyo, les quiero tanto a cada uno de ustedes! Les verĂ© pronto!

Elder Sessions
Hopefully they have a few days left in them!
sweet pizza place in the city where all the missionaries come to sign the board!