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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Elder Jarom Sessions

Jarom has been called to the Honduras San Pedro Sula West Mission
He reported to the Mexico City CCM on March 19, 2014

Write to him!!!

While in the MTC:

Elder Jarom Wesley Sessions
Mexico Missionary Training Center
Carretera Tenayuca -Chalmita #828
Colonia Zona Escolar, Gustavo A. madero
07230 Mexico, Distrito Federal

After he leaves the MTC:

Send Letters to :
Elder Jarom Wesley Sessions
Honduras San Pedro Sula West Mission
12 Calle Ave.Circunvalacion
S.O. Edf Yude Canahuati
3 Nivel Oficiana #4
San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras

Packages to:
Elder Jarom Wesley Sessions
Honduras San Pedro Sula West Mission
12 Calle Ave.Circunvalacion SO
3  Nivel Oficiana #4, Edf Yude Canahuati
San Pedro Sula, Cortes,

First MTC Letter

Hey mom!
so Thursdays are my pdays in the ccm! ( MTC in spanish)  Man where do I start?! so Wednesday and Thursday where really long because all we did was orientation and they just talked about all the same things over and over again haha. I love my companion and my roommates and my district! My roommates and I are really just one big companionship we go and do everything together! i will show pics and descriptions at the end.
The food has been actually really good! Mostly Mexican food. Yesterday we had pizza and it was the best thing ever! Some stuff we have way to much and when ever they serve fish I eat cereal haha I was talking to a sister from Honduras and they said they eat a lot of sea food there so pray for me. In the CCM there are dorms but they are being renovated so everyone is in the these houses on campus that have 5 bedrooms with 2 bunk beds in each and each room shares a bathroom. It is sooooo pretty sure with these awesome trees with purple flowers all over them. But they all fall on the street and stick to our shoes and are all over the floor in mi casa.

We have 3 teachers throughout the day to teach us the lessons and Spanish. But the problem is they speak ZERO English so everyday is a guessing game and me acting out what I need said. Everyone makes fun of me because I use my hands to act out what im saying and I cant control it! So ya they don't teach us Spanish but they make us make us teach investigators in full Spanish and it ends up being every interesting. But its crazy how much I can remember of Spanish! every day we teach a guy named Felipe and its really fun! I'm so glad i had the opportunity to go to mission prep in mesa because I can focus more on the Spanish and not as much as memorizing what the lessons are. It is amazing how strong the spirit is in the mtc here in Mexico. I really havent ever felt like this and is crazy to be able to feel when i have the spirit when Im teaching verses not having the spirit. I notice when me and my roommates and more obedient that we get much more out of the day. 

Friday was my birthday and it was one of my favorite ones I have had! I was so happy to see your guy's presents and notes, it made my day! When we came back to our room after lunch my roommates had decorated my desk with candy and notes from everyone in our district and branch and it was so nice and thoughtful I couldn't believe it! so many people from my school are here in the mtc and its great to see them everyday! for our gym time every single day we play doubles ping pong and me and Elder John, my comp, tear it upppp.

One of the best things about our house is that half of the people in it our natives from Mexico and we hang out every night and they teach us Spanish and we teach them English! One Mexican knows English really well so he translates for us haha the are the nicest group of guys! ( well i don't really know because they just talk in Spanish but i think they are nice haha).

Our first Sunday was amazing! Everyone is in a tiny branch of maybe 25 people and they pick a random 7 people to give a five minute talk IN SPANISH so we have to prepare a talk each week and my comp had to give one and it was a minute and 30 seconds it was so funny! mine would of been less than that so im lucky i didnt have to go. When my branch President gave his talk it was all in super fast Spanish an i didnt understand one word but the crazy thing was when he bore his testimony i couldn't understand it but i knew my spirit did and i could feel it so strongly and i had no idea why because i didnt know what he was saying! i just love being here! 

Well tell everyone i love them ever much and to write me as much as possible because the internet is fast and I have alot a time. And also i dont have to wash my laundry by hand her like i will have to in Honduras so that gives me a lot more time haha Thank you all for your prayers.

Me and Elder John

Elder John, Elder Sessions, Elder Porter and Elder Percell

Lots of flowering trees

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For my Birthday my desk was decorated with treats!

My Desk Area

Matching Elders

Elder Sessions and Elder Porter